
3 LinkedIn Developments You Should Know About

Jul 16, 2014

LinkedIn_logoNote: Between updates LinkedIn regularly makes to its product lines, and the latest acquisitions, something is always new at the business networking site. From our sister site,, here’s an update on the latest developments.

LinkedIn acquired news alert startup Newsle. Newsle uses machine learning technology to update subscribers when their connections publish new content on the web. I’m hoping this will make my news feed more bearable and relevant as the technology is integrated into LinkedIn’s platform. For more details, see this post from Forbes.

LinkedIn recently launched the new mobile app, Connected. Connected is the revamped version of the contacts app, but with a lot more focus on people with whom you have relationships. The app syncs with your iPhone contacts and with your calendar so the updates you are shown are from people you actually interact with – not just the LIONs (LinkedIn Open Networker) you’ve connected with over the years.

I took it for a test spin and I’m a fan. I was surprised by some of the people I wasn’t connected to, and 10 of the 15 “updates” (job changes, work anniversaries, etc.) were things I am glad I was made aware of. For more, read this piece from Information Week.

LinkedIn has new rules out for people who use its recruiting product to send a lot of messages, but who don’t get a lot of people opening those messages.

Come August, LinkedIn is going to let you know if you’re getting a less-than-13% response rate on 100 InMails sent over a 14 day period. If your response rate doesn’t increase, then you’ll be limited to sending one-to-one InMails for two weeks. After that, if you meet the 13% minimum, you’re back to bulk. If not, you’re on another 14-day limit. “More than 98% of Recruiter users won’t be impacted by this InMail policy change,” writes LinkedIn’s Sankar Venkatraman. “Yet everyone will benefit from it.” More here.

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