
40 Must-Have Sourcing Tools … What @TheBalazs Shared

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Apr 29, 2016
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

Past SourceCon speaker Balazs Paroczay spent a few weeks in Southeast Asia this April. We are excited to hear what he learned and what he shared:

It was an amazing experience presenting at #sosuasia last week!

Although we hear way too little about the guys and what they do in Asia, it is so impressive to see how much keen they are to implement and develop sourcing within their Talent Acquisition function. Being a late joiner in a game does not necessarily mean that you are late to win. It simply gives you the opportunity to not go through the same mistakes that the pioneers had to and also gives you a more sophisticated approach as you can already leverage the essential experience of others. Like the youngest in the family – huge advantages!

And this is what I have seen in Singapore. Leon Kwang at Philips or Michelle Han from Microsoft, as two super solid sourcing leaders, managed to build the world’s probably most impressive and thorough  talent mapping functions – everyone can just learn from these guys! Wow, very much well-done!

For those, that could not make day 1 here, is my deck on the 40 must-have sourcing tools (and tricks) that I really use on a daily basis. Probably many of them are known for you already but hey! if there is at least 1 new in this collection this post was worth my (and your) time.? Happy hunting!

The original post can be found here


This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.