
40 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer About Your Hiring Process

Oct 22, 2007

Before a job candidate becomes an employee, there are questions they should be asking you, their potential employer.

Some are questions they’d actually pose to you. Others, like #35, are rhetorical questions they’ll ask themselves.

The more questions you can answer throughout this process, the more successful the employee will be.

The First 10 Questions

We begin with a set of very high-level questions one would ask when trying to decide whether they want to join a particular company:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you make/sell?
  3. Why should I work there?
  4. What is the corporate culture like?
  5. What kinds of people work there?
  6. What skills are necessary for success?
  7. How competitive is your total compensation package?
  8. What is your company’s reputation, and are you an ethical company?
  9. Where are you located?
  10. What will having you on my resume mean for me in the future?

The Second Set

The next 10 represent questions one might ask if they’re interested:

  1. How can I learn more?
  2. Where can I find your financial data?
  3. Where are you located? Where can I find your open jobs?
  4. How do I navigate your website?
  5. Where can I hear from current employees?
  6. What current corporate-wide initiatives are taking place?
  7. Have you dealt with any major shake-ups, scandals, litigation, etc.?
  8. How is your organization set up (reporting structure)?
  9. What is this company most proud of? What is their heritage?
  10. Who is your customer?

The Third Set

These questions ask very specific questions about your company’s interviewing process:

  1. How do I bid on a job?
  2. What kind of interviews do you conduct?
  3. How do I get to the facility? Where do I stay?
  4. How much detail can I find in your brochures/website?
  5. How can I get more detail about the topics that interest me?
  6. How much information do you require from me, and when do you want it?
  7. Where can I find detailed benefits information?
  8. How will you compensate me for leaving my current situation?
  9. How competitive is your relocation package?
  10. Who in your company knows I’m interviewing? Is this job search on the radar screen of senior leaders?

The Fourth Set

The remaining questions represent the hesitation so many job-seekers feel upon recalling past recruitment horror stories:

  1. When will I hear back?
  2. How many interviews will I have? How many return trips?
  3. What will drive my compensation package? Will you be flexible or tell me “That’s what it pays, take it or leave it”?
  4. If this isn’t a fit, will you respect me by telling me in person?
  5. Will your background process treat me with dignity?
  6. How long will it take to get my reimbursement?
  7. Will you value my time?
  8. Will you pressure me into a decision?
  9. Did you only introduce me to people you thought I’d like?
  10. Will I feel like you respected me at the end of the process?

Believe it or not, I’ve got 60 more questions (all 100 will be in your November Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership). Those 60 questions cover the onboarding process, how an employee can add value once hired, how they can prosper as leaders, how they can leave their mark on the organization, and how they can attract more great employees.

Answering the 40 questions above, however, should keep you plenty busy for the time being!