
A Look At What Top Producers Bill

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Oct 23, 2013

Dear Barb:

I’ve only been a recruiter since last November and I’m now the second highest producer in my office. I think I could actually beat our top producer, but I have no one else to compare myself with. I’m in Houston, TX specializing in oil and gas permanent placements and was wondering if you could provide me with what is considered top production.

Susan M.

Houston, TX

Barb Responds

Dear Susan:

First of all, I want to congratulate you on your early success. I had the opportunity to speak in Houston in March and actually was the MC for their awards banquet. As a result, I can answer your question with exact numbers. HAAPC (Houston Area Association of Personnel Consultants) recognizes the top 50 professional recruiters in Houston. Many of these individuals specialize in the oil and gas industry. The lowest anyone produced in the top 50 was $250,000, over 50% of them produced over $500,000 and the billings of the top two recruiters honored produced over $1,000,000.

To be considered a top producer in direct placement, your production should total $350,000 – $400,000+ in annual billings. Salaries continue to increase, which of course will also increase fees. There is no limit to what you can produce or earn in our profession.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS