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Apr 21, 2017
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

Not quite an “uberization” movement, but now you can be rated for your services as a recruiter. Treat a candidate well, five stars for you. Spam a candidate, one star! Completed is a newish professional networking website that wants to make it easier to rate and rank, not just recruiters, but all business professionals. It’s a hybrid between LinkedIn, Yelp, Uber, Glassdoor and Angie’s List. The main difference is that you are rating people, not companies. According to TechCrunch, the Silicon Valley startup wants to use these ratings to disrupt both hiring and career development.

“Constructive criticism of employee performance is extremely valuable. It creates accountability, which can be influential for career development and hiring,” Michael Zammuto, CEO of Completed said in an interview with TechCrunch. The website, which went public yesterday, currently has over 150,000 people in its database. Completed might be familiar to some readers. The site has seen a few different updates and versions over the past few years.

Searching on the site is still a bit cumbersome. Since the site is still growing, individuals in talent and acquisition are scarce. A quick search in Google revealed that only about a dozen recruiters have been reviewed: (recruiter OR recruiting)

The same search logic can be applied to other positions, making this website a potential gold mine for sourcing.

“We’re extremely excited to officially launch Completed. Professionals will finally be able to be rewarded for good work and have a chance to get constructive feedback to improve,” Zammuto says, describing his new company as an enabler of “a true Meritocratic Society.”

It’s too early to predict the success of this website. Recruiters and sourcers alike should take its presence seriously. Recruiters can no longer afford the power that candidates have through social media outlets like Completed and other organizations like the Talent Board through its Candidate Experience Awards and Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals.

It’s not a secret that candidate experience needs improvement. Take a look at some the recent comments about recruiters on Twitter.

Negative reviews and general trolling have the potential to be an issue with any website that opens itself up to public reviews on other people. Since the launch, TechCrunch has reported that it has managed to prevent some of the challenges with which other rating-style companies have struggled. On its website, Completed does advertise “a strict anti-cyberbullying policy that prohibits harassing, threatening, embarrassing and targeting reviews.”  There’s also a mechanism in place where users can interact with reviewers to ask questions or resolve feedback they feel is unfair or biased.

For now, it will be entertaining to watch this website grow. It has a strong potential to be an excellent resource for recruiters to find talent and for candidates to turn around a rate their experience with that recruiter.



This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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