If you have decided to begin socially reaching out to talent, and engaging them, you must first know them and know on which social platform they “hang out.” For example — are they senior-level, middle-management, or entry-level employees? With the exception of LinkedIn, each of these groups will likely spend time on different social platforms. What then?
It’s safe to say each of these groups of people will have a Facebook and LinkedIn page. To confirm site users, here are a few stats from researchers at expandedramblings.com:
- 91 percent of Facebook users are Millennials (age 15-35)
- 90 percent of Instagram users are Millennials (51 percent male; 49 percent female)
- 38 percent of Twitter users are millennials
- 70 percent of Snapchat users are teens and moving toward millennial
- 32 percent of Google+ users are millennials; 29 percent GenZ users
- 34 percent of LinkedIn users are Millennials; 39k students/grads; 33 percent are 35-54; 44 percent use LinkedIn’s mobile job app to job search
daily; members are evenly divided between male and female
My guess, if I ask the question, “Do you know your audience?”
the answer would be: they’re job seekers. And you are right, to a point.
When it comes to reaching out socially — like it or not — you are using some of the same strategies top brands and marketers use to reach their audience. Before you do that, you must know something about them. And, says Adelle Ravella, leader of the Buyer Persona Institute, “You will get to know your customers (job seekers) better by creating a persona for each group.” Further to that, once you know your audience, the easier it is to provide the best content, resources, and info, she says. And the easier it is to effectively engage them. Technically — to market your talent brand to them.
A persona describes an individual’s wants, needs, and experience, for example. Creating them helps you zero in on the resources, content, and help that particular type of individual needs to become familiar with your talent brand, and a loyal follower who decides to apply to your company.
Bill Schick, director of the Boston-based content marketing agency Mesh, tells us: “Properly developed personas help a company stay on track with the attitudes, patterns, and influencers driving the buyer decision-making process.” Know this, he says, and you can stop guessing at what messages will convince buyers (or top talent) to choose you (or your business).” It may shock you to know that job seekers demand the same social and interactive Internet experience they receive from brands like Amazon.
Here are five ways and places you can find your talent audience:
1. Listen to fans and followers who frequent your social platforms.
2. Audit your blog and other sites for comments
3. Post a survey on your site
4. What is the content users are reading and/or clicking on?
5. Check your competition’s site or blog
Next: Develop a persona — one for each group you now know is your audience; it’s simple and straightforward.
Let’s use mid-level management. Decide, or approximate using several actual employees as a guideline, what skills, expertise, and education are necessary to fill this position. Aside from this, what are the top preferred skills for this particular, or similar, job? What additional background do you prefer? Also add in other valuable skills/expertise you require or would like. If you want someone to fill a local job, be sure to check where they live. Both LinkedIn and Facebook have members’ city and state. You’ll also want to extrapolate their wants and needs. For example, will they have a family and expect family leave, will culture matter, are they of an age supporting a college student?
Next — determine what the value proposition is you intend to offer your audience. For example — you will provide industry-related content, hiring info, a newsletter, job alerts, whitepapers.
Four tools to help you discover additional audience insights:
1. Add the free Google analytics tool to your site and/or blog.
2. Use Google’s Insight/Trends free tool
3. Do some research using Experian, Forrester, or Pew.
4. Use Facebook’s “Insights” tool
Knowing to whom you are directing your content, and information to, is vitally important. Only then will the message you present be received and resonate with the best potential talent.