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Mar 29, 2016
This article is part of a series called Classic TLNT.

Editor’s Note: As I wind down my time as Editor of TLNT — I’m leaving in April — I wanted to share a few of my favorite TLNT posts. Here’s one from May 2013.

Here’s a question I have heard repeated for years — does anyone out there actually like meetings?

I ask because in the world of business we seem to spend a lot of time in meetings, yet just about everyone I know, and every survey I’ve ever seen, indicates that most people say they would rather endure a root canal than be forced to attend yet another meeting.

John Cleese, the great comedian of Monty Python and Fawlty Towers fame, once did a corporate training video (several of them, actually) titled Meetings, Bloody MeetingsCleese, in his wickedly humorous way, did a great job capturing the many things that drive all of us crazy from all the meetings we’re forced to attend.

Brain cells lost in bad meetings

I weighed in once about my feelings concerning meetings, and it bears repeating today because it is no less true now than when I wrote it years ago:

This article is part of a series called Classic TLNT.
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