The detective in me loves to find data on individuals I need to research for recruiting purposes. Nothing makes me say “Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner” more than finding an email or mobile number for that perfect lead. I have many tools I used daily in my “bag o’tool tricks,” and one of them is Pipl.
Pipl’s standard tool “Pipl Search PRO, is a “one-stop shop” people search engine which allows you to find work and social information on individuals. Check out what kind of data you can discover on individuals:
- Social – Profile information from various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more)
- Demographic – Language spoken and more
- Professional – Historical data on a career from professional networking sites (LinkedIn)
- Education – Find out what educational institution an individual attended
- Contact information – Phone (mobile, home, and work) and emails (personal and professional)
- Images and Media
There are two versions of Pipl, one is a free version for the budget conscious user (meant for personal use), and the other is a paid version for business users such as those in the recruiting industry.
- Free version: The free version does not offer what the paid version provides but, never fear, it has many benefits which I will cover further in this article, including:
- Name
- Career details
- Usernames
- Social profiles
- Images
- Paid version: Search via the paid version includes:
- Phone numbers, which are annotated so you can see what type of number it is such as home or mobile. What I like about the feature is you can see the first seen or last seen date, which is when the number was first recognized and last recognized. I like trying all the numbers, for example, an individual could have had their phone on Facebook but then decided to remove it making it not public, but Pipl could have seen it.
- Address history
- Emails, both personal and work, with a higher than 95% of accuracy. Pipl verifies emails through their algorithm which consists of multiple sources.
- Education
- Associated with section tells you who the lead is tied to, including family or friends (social media followers equals other leads?
- Social media profiles associated with the lead is expanded out with data from multiple sources.
Benefits of Pipl – Data Sources
What I believe makes Pipl great is that it has over a million various data sources to gather information from when you run search queries. Pipl searches the “deep web” with a proprietary algorithm that creates profiles based on personal identifiers to help users locate an individual.
Another benefit is that Pipl pulls content from profiles and directories, including Amazon, publications, public records, web pages and news items. On their website, you can see a sampling of 200+ top data sources. To see what other data sources they pull from they have a list on their site:

Searching for those perfect leads via API demo
What got me hooked on Pipl was the API demo I stumbled across
Pipl’s People Data API allows you to utilize the data you have gathered on a lead, including name, address, age, email or phone to create a lead profile based on everything Pipl has found on the internet and in their cache. For my example, I am using someone who claims to be a rocket scientist in the Dallas/Fort Worth area (name hidden for privacy reasons).

I chose the try it button and results came back with potential information.

Even better was a potential phone I found! Could this be the phone for the lead? Yes, it was!

Though just a demo, I still found it informative enough to discuss with my CEO the potential of purchasing the tool for use.
Free but informative Pipl Search Engine
Let’s say I need to find a staff accountant in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for a role I have to fill. Using LinkedIn, I make a list of potentials leads. I then enter the individuals LinkedIn URL into the search engine field to see what results I may gather.

My results pulled up the individual I was looking for but with insufficient information, because I was using the free version. I can see that this was from Facebook by noting the icon for the social media site in the lower right-hand corner. My results told me what the individual’s career information was, education, additional names, places she is or has lived in and associated with.

Scrolling down further in the results I can see various social media results, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest and more. I love the fact you can select any of the social media links, and it takes you to the site where they are located.

Now, if I had the paid version, I could enter a leads LinkedIn URL and get a much more enhanced return. You can see in the results the leads career information, education, additional names used and phone numbers. Additionally, with the paid version you can see on the left-hand side the “professional tools” with advanced search and print results available.

Detailed information can be printed for future use with the print results option, such as below:

Data, including contact, social, demographic and professional information can be found in many ways and the methods used to discover it is always evolving. The internet, and sites such as Pipl, has made information about leads much more accessible to gather because leads leave footprints. Using Pipl can increase your ability to find the right lead for your position quickly.