
Google Hiring 200 Recruiters. NOW!

Nov 4, 2009
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

GoogleIn what is by now an open secret, Google is hiring 200 recruiters and sourcers for a one-year gig.

Details are sketchy, but Dave Mendoza did post an email about the hire to his site Six Degrees From Dave. The email is from a recruiter for Nelson Staffing and says the firm got a contract from “A Major (and pretty exciting) employer in the South Bay here in N. CA.” The email doesn’t name the employer, but it says Nelson needs to find “200 upbeat and enthusiastic recruiters and sourcers for them — by next week.”

While California’s Bay Area — home to Silicon Valley — is crowded with tech employers, few are big enough to support a need for 200 recruiters. Google is. The company laid off about 100 contract recruiters at the beginning of this year, which was 25 percent of its recruiting force. The fact that the company is now hiring 200 suggests that it expects to grow in 2010.

Some 70 percent of the new positions are at company headquarters. The rest are in other parts of the U.S. and in other parts of the world. All the positions are onsite; “no work from home.”

Google jobs reqI’m guessing that the positions on the Nelson job board for recruiter and sourcer in Mountain View (Google’s HQ) are the same ones referred to in the email. If so, the pay scale appears to be in the $40-$45 per hour range for sourcers and $60-$70 for recruiters.

Incidentally, Mendoza’s post doesn’t mention Google by name. Nor would he confirm that the online search and advertising company is behind the hiring. Other sources, however, did confirm that it is Google.

Mendoza’s blog post has all the details — they are also in the online job postings — but briefly, here’s what Nelson Staffing says it wants:

  • Experienced Recruiter (minimum 5 years total in both corporate and/or agency recruiting) – Technical,  sales, product marketing. Recruiting experience on resume in ’09;
  • Recruiters (minimum 4 years recent exp) – Candidate sourcing;
  • Sourcers (minimum 3 years solid recent exp) – Ability to reach passive candidates – exceptionally internet savvy;
  • Recruiting Coordinators (minimum 2 years in an HR support or recruiting support role) – heavy scheduling, process management.
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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