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Jan 8, 2021
This article is part of a series called Happening on TLNT.

HR always seems to be trying to fix something. That’s a good thing, because work can always be made better. But what exactly is HR fixing? Or rather, what should we be fixing?

Could it be that attempts to fix your workplace by fixing your workforce are misguided? What might it mean for your business if human resources stopped focusing on fixing humans?

These are the questions being explored in a new series on TLNT, Questioning Authority, which challenges leading thinking by talking to leading thinkers. The series was originally envisioned as a book club, but we quickly realized that great ideas also come from research reports, social-media threads, movies, you name it. So throughout the series, we’ll surface insights from anywhere and everywhere. Think of Questioning Authority like a beyond-books book club.

The first volume of Questioning Authority, Fixing Your Workplace Will Not Fix Your Workforce, examines what it means to fix your workplace vs your workforce. There’s a difference and HR thinker Laurie Ruettimann, author of the new book Betting on You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career, is helping us figure it all out.

Head over to TLNT to read “Questioning Authority: Fixing Your Workplace Will Not Fix Your Workforce.”

This article is part of a series called Happening on TLNT.