
Here’s What I Would Do If the President Made Me the HR Czar

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Feb 9, 2016
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

I think the next President should add a new position to their cabinet.

That position would be called HR Czar. That person should be me, and here’s what I would do as the HR Czar.

As HR Czar I would:

  • Establish a national database of “No Call, No Shows” on interviews. This database would be used by all public and private employers to let each other know what idiots set up an interview, then without any warning, just decided to ditch it and not show up. That way we could all know who these awful people are by name, address, Social Security number, and poor professional etiquette.
  • Establish a national database of “No Call, No Shows” on the first day of employment. Worse than not showing up for an interview, these people have serious problems and should be put on some double-secret probation. If someone did this they would publicly have to stand out in front of this employer with a sandwich board sign stating, “I’m a Loser! I Suck! Honk if you Agree!” for two straight days before they could be hired by any other employer.
  • Establish a national Background Check System. This system could be checked instantly, by all employers. No more waiting 48 hours or more for information that should be accessible instantly in a database a 12-year-old could put together in about 15 minutes. This includes educational verification, where all post high school institutions would have to input graduates, degrees, and grades.
  • Establish a national Job Posting Site. All jobs, all employers, all in one place. All public and private employers would be required to post their openings on this site, close them when they’re filled, and post the name and photo of the person they hired for the position. A little transparency would help both the employers and all those people who applied and have no idea who got hired.
  • Establish a national database for candidates to search pending, current and past employee-related litigation of an employer. You like to let your managers harass employees? Fine, but understand that everyone is going to know about it. This is kind of like Glassdoor, but actual verifiable stuff. Each employer would have a rating like the ratings we give restaurants – A, B, C, etc. We can make them post their rating in the window of their lobby where candidates come to interview.
  • Establish a CEO pay scale whereas a CEO couldn’t make more than 10 times the average pay of the top 10 percent of earners within their company. That’s fair. That’s still a giant amount of money. I support CEOs and their right to earn a lot of money. I don’t support them making four million times more than the actual people busting their butt each day. (JFC – it sounds like I’m voting for Bernie! I’m not!)

That’s a good start! What would you do if you were HR Czar?

This was originally published on Tim Sackett’s blog, The Tim Sackett Project.

This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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