
HiringSolved Launches 3 New Sourcing Products

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Feb 9, 2016
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

HiringSolved, a startup based in Arizona, is announcing three new sourcing products this week.

At the last SourceCon event, members of a keynote panel agreed that sourcers and recruiters should be searching their own CRMs and ATS’s before venturing out to do more obscure sourcing activities. This recommendation was met with eye rolls and sarcastic remarks from the audience, like, “Have you ever tried to search your ATS?!” One Search, the first of the three new products announced today, was created to address this problem.

In an email, HiringSolved Founder and CEO, Shon Burton, explained, “One Search can query data from multiple systems, combining information from multiple instances or even multiple vendor solutions, enabling users to have one place to search across all of their data.” Another important feature included in the release of OneSearch is Candidate Cloning, which enables users to upload a resume which will be used by the program to surface similar candidates.

The second new product, Scan, works directly with One Search. What good is searching your entire database if all of the information is old? Scan will leverage HiringSolved’s crawling technology to update candidate profiles with new information gathered form around the web giving talent acquisition professionals fresh, actionable data.

The third new addition to the HiringSolved portfolio, Diversity Search, uses machine learning technology to create a diversity score for candidates.

This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.