
How to Construct a LinkedIn Profile That Sells

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Nov 18, 2015
This article is part of a series called Ask Barb.

Ask BarbDear Barbara:

How important is my LinkedIn profile when it comes to client development? I think it’s more important for recruiters because I don’t see clients taking the time to review my LinkedIn profile to determine if I’m a credible resource.

My LinkedIn profile is basically my resume, which doesn’t show why someone should use me vs. my competition. It’s my face-to-face appointments that result in landing new clients. My owner heard you at a conference and now wants us all to update and revise our profiles. Does this refer to AE’s as well as recruiters?

Jonathan W., Montreal, CA

Dear Jonathan:

I believe your entire social media presence impacts your ability to attract both clients as well as candidates. Your LinkedIn profile should not just regurgitate your resume; it should be a mini sales letter showing why clients should use you vs. your competition. Following are some tips I’ve been sharing at conferences that can help you update your profile. LinkedIn also has a profile help page.

LinkedIn-Profile-ExamplePHOTO — Professional head and shoulder shot.

HEADLINE — 120 characters. Should be keyword rich not your job title. What keywords would your candidates search?

PROFILE — Edit your background.

SUMMARY — 2,000 characters. Validate your expertise. Prepare this section in a Word document and copy and paste in summary:

  1. First person is key
  2. Talk about yourself in the first two lines
  3. Who do you help
  4. WIIFM focused
  5. Call to action
    • Use bullet points
    • List links to website, to sign up or register
    • Add media, You Tube videos – add keywords to description

EXPERIENCE —  2,000 characters. Not a copy of your resume. This should be a mini sales letter:

  1. Reiterate what you can do for whom
  2. Call to action

SKILLS — 50 skills; 80 characters. Endorsements – only have individuals endorse your top 10 skills, keyword             phrases or areas of expertise.

INTERESTS — 1,000 characters. Something about you – trigger common interests by adding keywords with commas between words.

BONUS TIP —  Shift F3 in the bar at the top – put in keywords and LinkedIn will highlight the use of the words in your profile.

SETTINGS — Uncheck the box; share viewers of this profile.

Follow this advice and your LinkedIn profile will help you attract new clients who do review your LinkedIn Profile when they are selecting resources for talent!

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

This article is part of a series called Ask Barb.