
HR 101: 3 Keys to Giving Effective Performance Reviews

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May 21, 2014

For business professionals who have one or more employees that directly report to them, the performance review is typically an annual task that must be done.

Performance reviews are important for both the employee and the manager, but the review does not have to be the same old routine.

If you want to effectively deliver a performance review, here are some tips you can use.

1, Be clear about expectations

Before the performance reviews start, it is important to let employees know what you expect from them.

Your expectations should be clear from the first day a person is hired and on a regular basis throughout their career with your company. With clear expectations, your employees will know what they have to do to perform well each year.

2. Set the tone in the meeting

A face-to-face performance review is often a stressful situation for both sides.

The employee does not want to hear about their weaknesses, and you do not want to steal confidence away from your best workers.

To set a good tone in the meeting, it is important to focus on what they do well as much as possible, but also be firm on what they can improve on between this meeting and the next review.

3. Making criticism constructive

 If there is a significant issue with an employee’s performance, it is not enough to tell them they need to do better. As the person’s boss, you will want to explain to them how they can take steps to correct this issue.

It is important to let the employee know that the strengths you have already recognized can be utilized to improve their performance, allowing them to receive a better review next time.

This was originally published on the Genesis HR Solutions blog.

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