
HR 101: Hire Great Talent, Train Them, Then Get Out of Their Way

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Nov 5, 2018

10 secrets to hiring talent

  1. Make a list of not only what a great employee will do, but how they will do it.
  2. Make a list of the reasons a great employee would want to come to work for your firm.
  3. Don’t go after people who are looking for a job; go after those looking for a better job/career.
  4. Don’t limit your recruiting to job boards and social media. Use every possible method to reach your targeted recruits (off-line and online).
  5. Give them a reason they should want to talk to you about your opportunity.
  6. Move quickly,
  7. Make them feel special and treat them with respect.
  8. Remember, the purpose of onboarding is to make them feel welcome, bring them up to speed, and reinforce their “buying decision.”
  9. Always keep looking. You can always find room for a great employee.
  10. The great philosopher Dilbert said: The two keys to business success are comprised of: 20% = hiring great employees and 80% = leaving them alone so they can do their jobs.

Potential is not the same as performance

Many employers make the mistake of confusing high performance with high potential. Both are important and, oh, so nice to have, but high performance is what most often gets noticed. As a result, signs of high performance often overshadow the indicators of high potential.

Make an effort to distinguish between performance and potential and recognize the two serve different roles and need to be managed and mentored accordingly.

Training benefits everyone

 Why you want to train people for your job

  1. It will make your job easier.
  2. It will encourage/motivate your people.
  3. It will ensure you a “worry free” vacation because you know you department will be in good hands while you’re gone and you won’t have half as much catching up to do.
  4. It will free you immediately if a promotion comes along for you.
  5. It will give you great job satisfaction.

Why you want to encourage all employees to train for their next job

  1. It is your job to engage, motivate, and encourage them.
  2. It is your job to see they have opportunities to learn the next job.
  3. It is your job to have a training plan for all you people to learn the next job.
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