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Feb 21, 2023

Regular visitors to will know that we are unabashedly proud about the power of progressive HR.

But to really be the voice of the HR sector, it’s the views of HR practitioners themselves that matter.

That’s why we’ve kicked off a brand new series that we’re calling ‘It works for me…’

Comprising articles written by ordinary HR folk, about the issues that impact them on a day-to-day basis, we aim to present easily actionable observations made ‘by’ HR professionals ‘for’ HR professionals.

Last time around we heard from Lori Tyler, HR director at power management company Eaton, about creating a ‘destination office’.

This time, we hear from Workzinga’s founder, Dan Hunter, on prioritizing authenticity in his hiring process”

It works for me…. Prioritizing authenticity

Having personally interviewed more than 1,000 different candidates throughout my career, I’ve often found that both candidates and employers tend to present only the best versions of themselves, while glossing over areas where there may be poor culture fit alignment.

Perhaps an employer claims to offer flexible work schedules but, in reality, prefers their employees to work traditional hours.

Meanwhile, a candidate (who relies on very tight management), will sometimes say the reverse – and argue they self-starter.

While these claims are often well-intentioned, they serve neither the employer or the employee very well. That’s where cultural fit assessments have a role to play.

We feel cultural assessments solve many recruitment headaches. Candidates who say they thrive in fast-paced environments just to get a job will clearly struggle to keep up (and potentially burn-out), when they land a role. Them failing to show up as their authentic self can also create a pent-up pressure to ‘keep up the act’, contributing to a stressful work experience, and, ultimately, the search for alternative employment

The Culture Fit Assessment we created at Workzinga specifically helps candidates and employers articulate what they’re actually looking for and who they are authentically and objectively.

The assessment’s comparison report shows the level of alignment between individuals and companies based on 26 unique traits, giving hiring managers and candidates a greater perspective into how their needs, interests and overall goals compare.

Before developing the assessment tool we actually surveyed 2,501 US full-time employed and unemployed adults, and the most compelling finding was that employees said they stayed at their jobs more than twice as long if they felt they had a good culture fit. It stands to reason really. Moreover, employees also become become the firm’s biggest ambassadors.

While the tool we created is highly beneficial, the caveat is that it still relies on honesty from employers and candidates. It’s why we recognize that the interview process is the number one place for a candidate to gain in-depth information about our company and for the company to get to know the individual behind the resume.

The downstream effects of ‘in-authenticity’ are profound. While employers may be hesitant to speak about their true company culture, they should recognize that a lack of honesty about these things will only lead to more significant problems in the long run. At the end of the day, if there is a bad culture fit alignment between a candidate and an employer, it will be revealed.

As we continue battling ongoing labor shortages, employers may feel pressured to make a quick hire to fill an empty role. However, it’s essential to recognize that finding a good culture fit is becoming increasingly important to today’s workforce.

Just as employers should incorporate more authenticity throughout their hiring process, it’s essential to continue developing a compelling and transparent company culture. This process ultimately boils down to fostering strong relationships, investing in the overall wellbeing of your employees and listening to their preferences and level of satisfaction. As camaraderie develops through shared experiences, it’s also vital to implement events, programs and activities that encourage casual conversations and can help strengthen these relationships.

Therefore, I would encourage employers to continue looking for ways to prioritize authenticity in their hiring process to produce mutually beneficial job placements with greater tenure.

As employers and hiring managers continue to navigate the ongoing labor shortages and adapt to the changing needs of today’s workforce, it’s crucial to begin prioritizing authenticity in the hiring process.

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