
LinkedIn’s Latest Offering Manages Your Contacts From Events

May 9, 2013
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

star_hotelA little something for our overseas readers up at this hour … or for us night owls in the U.S.: LinkedIn has just launched a new tool and a new little update at its conference in Sydney, Australia.

The hot social-network-meets-job-board-meets-database-meets-media-company announced two things for recruiters. The first is “CheckIn.” This one’s for managing candidate info at an event; candidates stop by your booth, give you their name and email address, and you use “Recruiter” to manage the information, such as sending follow-up emails to candidates. CheckIn’s getting fully rolled out in July.

The other new one is called “social campaigns.” The deal with this change is that recruiters used to send updates to their company followers from a company page. Now they can do that straight from “Recruiter.” This “helps them better track responses,” LinkedIn’s Joe Roualdes tells me.

A LinkedIn product launch at one of its events is usually a pretty sure bet. (Then again, so is a frequent LinkedIn product launch not at one of its events, like the recent revamp of “LinkedIn Today.”) Other LinkedIn additions through the years have included its “brand index” and “sponsored jobs”; “jobs for you”; follower stats and targeted updates; the “Pipeline” tool; the “Recruiter” product and various improvements; and more.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.