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Jan 16, 2019

Finally, there has been an update to our Boolean searches. Yes, you read that correctly! Boolean is not dead, especially if you’re using SeekOut. The up and coming sourcing technology company recently rolled out a significant sourcing update to their popular Chrome extension. Now, when you use the SeekOut Sourcing Assistant, your x-ray searches will never look the same. After using x-ray search since LinkedIn’s inception, this is a much needed and innovative advancement to our Boolean searches. Best of all, it is free!

With the update, SeekOut it supercharges your x-ray searches by automatically enhancing candidate profile results with profile pictures, experience, education, and skills.

The free, updated SeekOut Sourcing Assistant transforms basic x-ray search results like this:

to this:

It is so fun to scroll through my Google search results with this new extension.

Here are some of my recommendations to get the most out of this extension. Make sure your sourcing settings are set to the maximum results per page. In Google, run a search and click on settings, then search settings. Once you’re on this page, adjust the results per page to 100. This will allow you to see 100 candidates per search. SeekOut does limit nonsubscribers to 2,000 views per day, so this could potentially limit your ability to use this feature.

With your Google settings adjusted, there is a small lag (approximately one minute), after you run your x-ray search for the page to refresh with SeekOut’s enhancements. The enhancement only works in Google, and obviously when you are using the extension in Chrome.

If you’ve added a candidate to a SeekOut project, you’ll see a link to the project under their name. And if you are unfamiliar with a skill listed on the candidate’s enriched profile, click one of the gray boxes to see an explanation.

The SeekOut Sourcing Assistant works with profiles worldwide.

Here’s a quick video from SeekOut of the extension in action.

Ready to get started? If you already have the SeekOut Chrome extension installed, you’ll see enhanced x-ray results beginning immediately. If you aren’t already using the SeekOut sourcing assistant, stop what you are doing and get it here. It’s free, and it’s fun. Your x-ray searches will never be the same, and this is an excellent thing. Check out the SeekOut blog for more information.


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