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Mar 17, 2014

Can you remember all of the questions to ask in an interview?

Hey, nobody could blame you for missing one every now and then. After all, every interview demands a lot and you need to do the best you can with your available time and resources.

To make things a little easier, try these interview questions from Kristi Hedges. She’s an executive coach, leadership development consultant and author.

6 questions worth asking a candidate

1. Tell me about our company. Give your top-line analysis.

Look for: initiative, analytical ability, values, confidence.

2. Walk me through the first five (5) things you would do if you got this job.

Look for: strategic thinking, prioritization skills, execution style.

3. What 3-5 things do you need to be successful in this job? What are the deal killers?

Look for: culture fit, expectations, work style.

4. Talk about a time that you took a risk and failed, and one where you took a risk and succeeded. What was the difference?

Look for: risk-taking ability and tolerance, self-awareness, honesty, conceptual thinking.

5. Tell me about one of your proudest moments at work.

Look for: drive, personal motivators, preferred work style (team builder, solo contributor, etc.)

6. What do you want for your career two jobs from now, and how does this position help you get there?

Look for: initiative, long-term thinking, self-awareness, personal motivators, professional development expectations.

What do you think? Will Kristi’s questions to ask in an interview help your hiring efforts?

This article originally appeared on The Resumator Blog.

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