
Social Networking Strategies in Recruiting On the Rise…

Apr 21, 2010

As the technology for the recruiting world continues to progress, top talent is more accessible than ever before. The potential for LinkedIn and other social networking sites to play a major role in your recruiting strategy is increased as millions of prospective candidates profile themselves on these sites.

In February 2010, LinkedIn announced that it has reached the 65-million user mark, growing quite rapidly, averaging 300,000 new profiles per month, with over nine million at the director level and above.

It’s not enough anymore to post a vacancy on the major job boards. Employers are typically spammed with many resumes from unqualified applicants. We have still found great candidates through these job boards, so continue to use them as a part of your recruiting mix. But the world of recruiting is changing. More and more, the online focus rests on social networking sites and smaller, specialized job boards.

Ten years ago, applicant tracking systems revolutionized recruitment methods. These methods have evolved and progressed to reflect the needs of recruiters today. We believe that this will continue to happen with social recruiting (which many applicant tracking systems already incorporate). Social recruiting seems to be the recruitment tool of the now and into the future.