
A Sales Process That Works = Success

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Dec 17, 2014

Dear Barb:

How do I teach my sales team to close more placements? We are consistently blindsided by surprises that prevent our deals from closing.

I’ve observed my recruiters as they work their desks and they seem to be doing things right. Is it just that candidates are more difficult and clients are more demanding? It is just not one person who is having problem closing deals, it is my entire office.


Brad S.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Don’t Seem to Know. Know

Dear Brad:

I have a few concerns after reading your question.

You stated that your recruiters “seem” to be doing things right. That reveals that your recruiters are not working from the same playbook. There is a placement process that must be followed so details don’t fall through the cracks. Having everyone working their desk following the same process also will help you determine if they truly are doing things right. Any successful sales organization has identified a sales process that works and this process is taught to the entire team.

If you don’t have a comprehensive recruiter training program you may want to set up a demo of our Top Producer Tutor.

It’s easy to blame candidates or clients, but in reality, when surprises surface, you need to determine what is not being done by your team.

Closing begins with the first conversation with candidates. If you are blindsided by surprises, your team may not be re-interviewing their candidates or staying informed of their recent job search activities. During an initial interview, candidates are guarded and only provide answers they are comfortable providing a total stranger they don’t trust. Subsequent interviews will reveal additional pertinent information.

It also sounds like your entire team is accepting the fact that deals will fall apart, rather than identifying solutions to stop this situation. In order to stop surprises, your clients and candidates need to understand how it benefits them to keep you informed. Candidates must understand why they should inform you of interviews they are booking on their own or changes that have taken place. Teach your team to start every conversation with clients and candidates with this question, “Has anything changed?” We have people on both sides of our sale and priorities, timing and attitudes often change.

Candidates and clients are not more difficult or more demanding. Implement consistent training, a structured sales process, re-interview candidates, begin every conversation with “Has anything changed,” and you will all but eliminate these surprises.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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