
This Super Bowl Just Won’t be the Same. A Timely Pheromone Might Have Helped

Feb 1, 2013

Super bowl commercialAlas, it’s true. For the first time in 15 years (could be more, could be less, but it’s around about that) there will be no recruitment Super Bowl commercials this Sunday.

The commercials Monster, and later, CareerBuilder produced are among the best ever shown in the 46 years the game’s been played. Sports Illustrated ranked Monster’s 1999 “When I Grow Up” ad in its top eight. (The photo to the right is from that ad.) CareerBuilder’s monkey ads often made it into the top 10. The company built a hugely successful email program called Monk-E-Mail around their simians.

So popular have the commercials become (in more than a few years more popular than the game itself), that TV specials like the one Wednesday night,are just about the ads. It had ads from both the two big job boards.

Now, all gone. No more.

Why? Here’s Monster’s official explanation, which would have been way more fun if it had hired an ad agency to deliver it:

While we have utilized it very successfully in past years by surrounding noteworthy in-game advertising with unique promotions and social content, it (Super Bowl advertising) doesn’t fit with our current marketing strategy. Right now, we are ruthlessly focused on maximizing the audience of job seekers we deliver to our customers and we are continuing the approach we started in 2012 which has led to the best job seeker traffic in the industry.

Here’s equal time for CareerBuilder’s explanation:

The Super Bowl has been a good investment for us over the years. We decided to pursue other marketing opportunities this year, not only promoting the CareerBuilder brand, but also specific offerings and differentiators.


Interview Pheromones for Men

Do your male candidates have the skills, the talent, and the experience you want, but they all seem to lack that spark that ignites passion in hiring managers? They may need a dose of The Gilroy. With testosterone-laced pheromones flying all around the Superdome Sunday, it was probably to be expected that some company would bottle the stuff.

True Pheromones has. Announcing The Gilroy, the company claims its special mix of Alpha and Beta Androstenol and Alpha and Beta Androsterone “make women feel that men are well mannered, friendly and straight forward to approach and initiate conversation with.” Not only that, but “women get the impression that the user is a relaxed and peaceful alpha male. The pheromones give a feeling of safety, security and reliability. Furthermore, men give off a comforting and enjoyable feeling to those around them.”

If that’s the feeling your otherwise rockstar male prospects should be conveying, then get them to try The Gilroy.

Who could make this stuff up?

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