
Top Stories: Starbucks Execs Sued Over Diversity Hiring, CHROs See Future Hiring Freezes, and More!

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Sep 9, 2022
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

Conservative Think Tank Files Suit Against Starbucks Over Diverse Hiring

“Starbucks Corp executives and directors have been sued by a conservative think tank that believes the coffee chain’s efforts to promote diversity amount to racial discrimination,” Reuters reports. “In a complaint filed on Tuesday, the National Center for Public Policy Research objected to Starbucks’ setting hiring goals for Blacks and other people of color, awarding contracts to ‘diverse’ suppliers and advertisers, and tying executive pay to diversity.”

Most CHROs Say Their Companies Will Reduce or Freeze Hiring

According to PwC, “83% of CHROs say their companies are considering or have already reduced overall headcount.” Additionally, “[a]lmost half (48%) of CHROs say it’s likely that voluntary turnover will return to the pre-pandemic rate in the next 12 months. Even more (53%) say it’s likely that the labor market will shift to favor employers over employees in the next 12 months.”

The Economy Is Starting to Cool — but the Job Market Is ‘Like an Inferno’

“The U.S. economy shrank in the first half of the year, consumer sentiment plunged amid high inflation and unrest overseas, and some of the biggest names in business have cut thousands of jobs — but America’s labor market hasn’t skipped a beat,” according to CNN. “U.S. employers announced just 20,485 layoffs in August, the lowest year-to-date total since 1993.”

Upwork’s Future Workforce Report Reveals Trends in Independent Contractor Hiring

“Through the past quarter, stories of corporate layoffs and hiring freezes have become more common. However, these stories may be more of an exception than the rule when it comes to hiring today,” says Upwork. “According to our survey, 69% of all hiring managers say that they anticipate hiring in the next six months.”

From Boom to Gloom: Tech Recruiters Struggle to Find Work

From The New York Times: “Seemingly overnight, the tech industry flipped from aggressive growth, hiring sprees, lavish perks and boundless opportunity to layoffs, hiring freezes and doing more with less.”

Committing to Hiring Refugees

“[T]he single most important step in the journey of a refugee is landing a job, and yet, many of them are still struggling to do so,” according to this CNN story. T”hey might lack English fluency; have resumes with work experiences, certifications or company names that are unfamiliar to hiring personnel; or face transportation challenges due to the fact that they lack drivers’ licenses. Companies need to step up to lower barriers for Afghans (and other refugees) to work — both to provide decent jobs, and to offer a ladder from entry-level work to jobs that reflect their backgrounds and qualifications.”

New Findings About the State of Online Recruiting

“While companies are struggling to find qualified talent, 38.5% of job seekers believe employers have unrealistic or overly specific requirements,” according to iHire’s new survey. “Meanwhile, 26.0% of candidates said they’ve recently applied for a job even though they didn’t meet the requirements.”

Why Would a Tech Provider With Two Prominent ATS Solutions Add a Third?

Often, when one tech provider acquires another, companies and tech get integrated. Not so with Employ’s recent acquisition of Lever. ERE tech columnist Lance Haun explains this latest development in TA tech and what it should(n’t) mean for recruiting pros.

The ERE Recruiting Conference

The premier independent practitioner-led recruiting event is back in-person at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Nov. 7-9. It’s an ideal opportunity to gain actionable insights for talent acquisition professionals, by talent acquisition professionals. Discover practical ideas, best practices, and case study solutions from leaders who share your toughest recruiting challenges — and have experience overcoming them. Learn more and register here.


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This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.