
Want a Message That Gets Employees Attention? How About a CEO Video?

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Mar 13, 2015

One of the best parts of my job is the creative work I get to do with our customers around change management, communications and training.

As I’m sure you can imagine, that encompasses a fairly expansive suite of potential materials and mechanisms to get out the message about the Power of Thanks to transform an organization.

But if I had to pick a favorite means of communication to develop with a customer, it would be the CEO video.

Yes, it gets their attention

There are three (3) key reasons why:

  1. People pay more attention. I know when I get an email from Eric Mosley, our CEO, I open it immediately and read it carefully. That’s even more true for video messages because I know the time investment to create them. If Eric is taking the time to record a video message instead of dashing off a quicker form of communication, then that tells me it’s a message I’d better pay particularly close attention to.
  2.  Expectations are more clear. The best CEO video messages do not beat around the bush on what behavior changes or actions the CEO expects from those viewing the video. When launching a new approach to social recognition and creating a culture of appreciation, that message is often about the CEO expecting all employees to notice and formally recognize the great work of those around them.
  3. Video illuminates the humanity of recognition. One of the greatest benefits of a well-designed social recognition program is in the fostering of deeper interpersonal interactions between employees, even if they are located across the globe from the each other. Executive videos, by their very nature, show the humanity of the CEO In a new way.  This article on expresses the point well:

“Using video as a means to communicate CEO messaging helps employees to see the leader’s passion and enthusiasm. Establishing this personal connection — even distantly through video — increases confidence, trust and loyalty.”

Showing the CEO in a new way

The Ragan article goes on to offer several how-to tips for getting top-notch footage of your CEO to drive home the messages you want to resonate most with your employees, so it’s well worth the read.

Does your organization use CEO videos to communicate? What are the key messages you’d want your CEO to deliver?

This was originally published on the Recognize This! blog.

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