
Webinar: Shifting Gears

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Aug 18, 2011
This article is part of a series called Webinars.

In the frenzied change of today’s market many times we are faced with situations that thrust us into unfamiliar roles that are mission-critical. Sourcing is no exception; the role of a sourcer is dynamic and constant change is something to be expected…and embraced.

Here’s the Survival Guide for a common-sense approach to staying cool while the pressure is on to adapt, survive, and ultimately thrive in your new role. Join us as Russ Moon explains how to stay afloat in a sea of change.

In this interactive webinar you will learn:

  • How to transition into a leadership or management role
  • Strategies for getting up to speed through internal social networks, FAQs, learning resources, etc.
  • Examples of good and bad training practices and what you should do if your training doesn’t adequately prepare you
  • How the mentor relationship has changed and what changes still need to happen
  • Core principles for mastering the art of adaptation
  • How leaders are changing their style to deal with the more collaborative, and less top down, way that Gen Y prefers
  • How to stay on top while transitioning to a new industry and/or location

This webinar will take place August 31 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time. Click here to register, and let us know ahead of time what challenges you’re facing and what you’d like to see covered by emailing

About the presenter:

Russ Moon is an Executive Search Consultant specializing in International Taxation working for Talent Find LLC, located in Richmond, Virginia.

Russ’s background includes the US Army, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, packaging, accounting, financial services, energy, and software industries including global experience as a Principle Global Lead Consultant at SAP.

His presentation background includes presentations at ERE Recruiting Expo, SourceCon, CareerXRoads, Monsanto, and over 300 virtual training/webinar sessions including on-site training in both EMEA and Asia. is Russ’s landing page with 1-click access to his blog and social media profiles.

image source: Paulo Ordoveza

This article is part of a series called Webinars.