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Nov 2, 2018

Let’s engage in the finding and attracting of employees. Becoming engaged is leaning into the process, not finding ways to pull away from it. As a community, let’s use technology to free up our time so we can spend more of it being human and connecting to others.

Below I’m going to list everything (at a high-level) that recruiters do. In bold are the things that only a human (and for all intents and purposes, a recruiter) can do. I consider onboarding to be more of an HR function than recruiting, I know some recruiters do this, so I kept it on here, but am not delving into it.

If you are spending more than 10 percent of your time on any/all of the unbolded pieces of this
process, evaluate the efficacy of your recruiting process. Recruiting is not an administrative job, it has administrative aspects, but it is a human job.

1. Sourcing

a. Boolean searches/web mining/finding resumes or profiles
b. Creating personal connections/reasons to be in touch
c. Finding contact information

2. Messaging

a. Customizable messages
b. Drip Campaigns

3. Qualifying

a. Scheduling
b. Data Collection (the call)
c. Data Storage

4. Submittal

a. Write-up
b. Scheduling / Rejection messaging

5. Interviews

a. Scheduling
b. Feedback

6. Offer

a. Rejection messaging
b. Closing Candidate on Opportunity

7. Onboarding

8. Efficiency

a. Automation

i. Purpose: Create time for recruiters to focus on 1b, 2a, 3b, 6b

1. Create workflows that enable recruitment of function without
human interaction (AI sourcing, drip campaigns, triggers, etc.).
2. Eliminate Redundancy

b. Integration

i. Purpose: Reduce time recruiters spend moving/altering data from one
system to the next – eliminate redundancy and the chance for human

1. LinkedIn
2. Email
3. Google Drive / Onedrive / etc.
4. Tooling (Hiretual, Interstellar, etc.)
5. Job Boards
6. Other social media

c. Reporting

i. Purpose: to highlight bottlenecks in the process to increase productivity
through tactical and strategic analysis.

1. A/B Testing for emails
2. Show reports on workflow turn-rates
3. Reports on messaging efficacy (Open, Reply, Click)

There are three things robots/AI can’t do (and won’t for the foreseeable future) – that is: Creativity,
Empathy, and Judgement/Critical-Thinking.

Combine your recruitment skills with your innate humanness to focus on; finding meaningful connections, creating personal messages, having nuanced conversations, and understanding the analogy between your candidates and your business’ needs (Sourcing, Messaging, Qualifying, Closing).

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