
What’s New: IntelliTalent; Aqayo; RecruitingHop; GooodJob; TheLadders; Vestiigo

Jan 14, 2013
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

Screen Shot 2013-01-08 at 2.29.10 PMA new tech company launches today, aimed mainly for the recruiting needs of small and mid-sized companies. It says it has “sliced off the front-end of the recruiting firm.” That, and a new company in the mobile-phone-recruiting genre. And more, below.

    • Could there be an applicant tracking system you haven’t heard of? How about Aqayo, which counts Kraft Foods among its customers. The Singapore-based sourcing-screening-and-more company is offering startups based in Asia a year’s free access.
    • Remember GooodJob? It released a smartphone app.
    • You heard it here first … for those interesting in “taking recruiting mobile” — you may be interested in a new company called RecruitingHop.
    • TheLadders’ job seekers will be able to find out the experience, education, salary levels, titles, and areas of expertise of their competition.
    • Vestiigo, the Canadian career community, was acquired by the Canadian headhunting firm Talentlab.
    • IntelliTalent, launching today out of Henderson, Nevada, is a new sourcing-analytics tool aimed at small and mid-sized businesses. The founders are current recruiters, and the product is a spinoff of a service the recruiting firm is already offering; now, it’s open to the masses. It costs $1,589 per job posting. More in this video.
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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