
When You Have More Requisitions and Projects Than You Do Recruiters …

Feb 3, 2015

erewebinars-event-erc15[1]More requisitions and projects than you do recruiters. Would you believe it’s a talent acquisition opportunity?

Who hasn’t been in a situation where you have the day-to-day tasks of recruiting, and then being “awarded” the wonderful task of managing talent projects?

From an onboarding strategy to a workforce planning project, talent acquisition is steadily being tasked with becoming a learning component in business strategy. Time management may be one of the competencies of being successful in talent acquisition, but I’ve yet to see the competency of a juggler present.

When I started off my career within talent acquisition, my eyes were larger than my stomach (knowledge-skills-abilities). I wanted to do it all, and thus began my new career nickname of “Vickie Volunteer.” As a talent-acquisition leader, my “volunteer” title took on its own persona, and soon I was what I feared the most, over promising, marginally meeting, and mentally drained.

One of the things I will discuss in San Diego (4 o’clock Tuesday 4/28, be there) is the need to bring project management into the role of a talent-acquisition professional. Until then, what I have learned are a few things that may help you;

Plan and measure: How many times have you read or heard the adage that “failure to plan, is planning to fail?” It truly it is that simple. Create a project assignment spreadsheet, place timeframes, and don’t manage alone! Need a simple idea for one? Shoot me an email. 

Communicate with your team and get them involved: One of my biggest aha moments became my biggest win; I sought out my team for their expertise. Once I determined that there were experts on my teams who knew technology, metrics, diversity, and other focused needs, I enlisted them to help drive the business need.

Enlist your HR colleagues: I’ve learned a major part of our success within talent acquisition is when we partner with HR colleagues. We shouldn’t look at it as an adversarial relationship, but one in which can provide us inroads as a talent-aquisition business partner.

Cast your net: When it comes to HR projects, you’ll always have the opportunity to work with non-HR professionals. There are enough professionals within your organization who have an interest in HR, and specifically talent acquisition, who would appreciate the exposure and development within this discipline.

Remember, we are charged to be the subject matter experts with talent acquisition.  That does not mean we need to carry the load alone.  Manage the process, don’t let it manage you.

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