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Sep 14, 2017
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

Promoting cultural diversity via talent acquisition has been an initiative we’re all writing into our strategic goals. We know organizations that have broadened cultural diversity have the potential to outperform competitors by 35%, creating a huge opportunity for HR to again prove its worth as a strategic business partner.  So what’s the catch? What’s keeping us from accomplishing this goal? Some may say the difficulties derive from the nature of the business, geographical location, lack of resources, etc. While there may be a grain of truth in that, for the bulk of us the challenges are born out of stagnant hiring practices.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

Step Out of the Pool

Recruiters and sourcers are a funny bunch. We like to think of ourselves as cutting edge professionals and regularly market ourselves as such. Somehow the same tired job description gets dusted off every time we hire for certain roles. The problem here lies with the language used in the description. Some language used is purely factual, while other elements were chosen for marketing purposes. A great example is the oh-so-popular word “ninja.” Yes, it was a considered a word used by the industry cool kids, but often chosen without taking into account how that word choice affects the applicant pool. Rewriting your job descriptions and associated employer branding can be the first step to catching a different sort of candidate.

The Human Bias

We are quick to point the finger at our tools when looking for a point of failure, but often we’re the real problem. Unfortunately, we’ve all been wired by birth, culture, and experience to have subconscious biases in any given situation. This carries over to how we examine and source candidates. The best way to save us from ourselves is to implement some smart fail-safe technology. This can be done with slick new automated screening tools which use artificial intelligence to turn candidate profile information into actual data. These tools not only help provide statistical logic to support (or undermine) a “gut feeling,” but can also save us a ton of time sifting through resumes.  

Change Resistant Culture

Let’s say your new diversity centric candidates make it through the screening process and it’s now time to interview. The interview team involved can either help diversity prosper, or kill all efforts in a moment, due to the concept of “ fit.” Many organizations have a stagnant culture that unless adjusted or broadened can be used as an excuse not to pursue qualified candidates who may be a different sort of “fit” than others.

Another way a change resistant culture can kill diversity is by having a set in stone hiring process. The way a candidate moves from an applicant to hire is a branding experience, and if your organization only does it one way, it may be effectively screening out an entire population who is not compatible with it.

Old Habits Die Hard

It’s one thing to start making small adjustments from the bottom to improve diversity sourcing; it’s another thing to get leaders on board with potential investments and changes to processes. It can be hard to request any expenditure for HR functions, and even harder to encourage top leaders to change their ways. Until these leaders are on board, all changes will be undermined at every turn, making persuading leaders to give up old habits the first and hardest step.

This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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