
Working with an Executive Recruiter: What you should expect – What is expected of you

Apr 16, 2000

Part 3 of a 3 part guide. 7. Upcoming Vacations:

If you are interviewing during early summer months (which is when most people have vacations already planned), here?s the right way of mentioning pre-paid vacations before you accept: Never mention pre-paid vacations, honeymoons, or other plans during the first or second interviews. Once you have received an offer, your recruiter will suggest that the offer is accepted ?contingent upon the following issue” (the issue being disclosed is the weeks you need off). At this time, a company will rarely rescind an offer just because you need one or two weeks off in upcoming months … especially if its mid summer and these type of plans are a normal part of the interviewing process this time of year. 8. What if Your New Job Does Not Work Out?

Since so much preparatory, pre-screening, time goes into each interview, it is very rare a candidate has a problem with his/her new job. However, once every other year or so, a problem will occur. In the rare event your new position through an executive recruiter does NOT work out…what should you do? Quit? Not show up? No. First call your recruiter and ask to speak with him/her ?off the record? regarding the problem. In more than 60% of the cases where a problem occurs, it can usually be resolved right then and there by the recruiter discreetly intervening in whatever way is most appropriate. If the problem can not be resolved, you owe it to your recruiter to at least work out a mutually acceptable ?resignation process.? This is important since your recruiting firm, depending on their contractual obligations with the client, could stand to refund tens of thousands of dollars, should you resign within a designated ?guarantee period.? These periods generally range from zero to 90 days. Financial damage to your recruiter can be prevented through proper resignation planning. You maintain a valuable industry contact, your professionalism remains intact by resigning with dignity, and the process becomes smoother by opening a conversation with your recruiter. Not only are you working a proper exit out to help your recruiter, but this also works to your favor in reverse since your recruiter will now have every incentive to place you as a priority candidate and may be in the best position to help you again. Even if not directly, a good recruiter will be happy to help even indirectly by giving you more names, contacts of other recruiters. 9. Little Things Are Not Little

Some of the following quick tips provided through the courtesy of ?A funny thing Happened at the Interview? published by Edin Books, N.J. A.) Send thank you letters post marked the same day….make certain they are brief and well written. Some companies have been known to make hiring decisions based on how someone sent the thank you letter postmarked on the same day. B.) Always call your recruiter back the same day your interview takes place as soon as possible afterwards. C.) Dress appropriately…find out corporate culture. D.) Make certain answering machines are working properly during your search so you may retrieve message promptly. Try to clean your message tape as often as possible. E.) Take advantage of the Internet to find out MORE about the company you are interviewing with or industry. With the internet, and most companies having web sites, it is now much easier than ever to obtain information even on small privately held companies than ever before. 10. Referral Reward Program –

Got the offer? Accepted it? Happy with your new job?? The best way to let your recruiter know is to refer other friends, family, or business buddies to the person that helped. Some recruiting firms have a formal referral reward program. Others may not have a formal one in place, but will nevertheless highly appreciate your gratitude being returned in the form of referrals of friends, family, or other business associates.