
2010 Creative Excellence Awards

Apr 26, 2010
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

In our world, how you advertise and promote your company makes a huge difference, whether you are trying to attract college students or designing a new employee referral program. For more than 30 years, the Creative Excellence Awards have celebrated and recognized the forward-thinking people and advertising agencies behind the creation of such ads and promotional materials.

With the 2010 Creative Excellence Awards only a little over six months away, we are gearing up toward announcing the 2010 CEA categories, and during the process we have realized that not much has changed with these categories in some time. So, after conversations with many of you and other internal discussions, we have put together what seems to be a more current list of categories, shifting from a less print-heavy concentration to more web-based and up-to-date understanding of new ways companies are advertising today.

So here is one more chance to provide your feedback. Please comment below and let us know what you think, what you like/don’t like, and what may be missing, and we will then take that into consideration as we get ready to announce the final categories and start accepting applications on the site.

We also understand that some corporate recruiting departments stay in-house when creating ads, corporate websites, or other promotional items — rather than outsourcing that information to ad agencies — so we open this opportunity to you as well for your feedback on the categories below.


Print Advertising and Promotions:

  • Single Ad (color or b&w): Single ad in a newspaper, magazine or trade publication
  • Campaign  (color or b&w): Series of ads in a newspaper, magazine or trade publication
  • Single Brochure: Single brochure as a print promotion
  • Collateral Package: A coordinated collateral package of at least 3 pieces
  • Direct Mail: A direct mail/postcard promotion
  • Other: Other promotional material and collateral, posters, flyers, table top materials, referral cards

Non-Print Advertising and Promotions:

  • Radio: Radio ads
  • Television: Television ads
  • Video/Film, Movie Slides: Video or film promotional pieces
  • Out of Home: Outdoor billboards, airport or transit displays, etc
  • Electronic Display: Digital billboards, kiosks, POP electronics, projection devices
  • Booth: Job fair, career fair, trade show
  • Giveaways: Gadgets, gimmicks, T-shirts, etc.
  • Online Tile or Banner: Online tiles and banners
  • Corporate Employment Website: Company website or career site
  • Microsite: Event or position microsite (no more than 5 pages)
  • Electronic Direct Mail (E-card): Best electronic direct media (e-cards)
  • Mobile Marketing: Recruitment mobile marketing campaigns
  • Mobile Marketing (Media): Recruitment mobile marketing campaigns created and issued by the media (Newspapers, TV Stations, Radio Stations, etc.)
  • Social Media Campaign: Social media campaigns or promotions
  • Other: Any other non-print media not covered by the above categories

Best Campaign for a General Audience:

  • Best Multimedia Campaign: Best Campaign/General Audience, using multiple media

College Communications:

  • Newspaper or Magazine/Trade Publication Ad: Any ad placed in a newspaper, or magazine/trade publication designed specifically for college audience
  • Brochure: Brochure designed specifically for college audience
  • Collateral Package: Package of 3 or more coordinated pieces, designed specifically for the college audience
  • Direct Mail: Postcard or other direct mailer, designed specifically for the college audience
  • Poster/Printed Material: Postcard or other direct mailer, designed specifically for the college audience
  • Career Fair Booth: Design for career fair booth designed specifically for college audiences
  • Giveaways: College giveaways such as gadgets, gimmicks, T-shirts, etc.
  • Tile or Banner: College internet tile or banner designed specifically for college audience
  • Website: Website designed especially for the college audience
  • Video: College multimedia (video) designed specifically for the college audience
  • Social Media Campaign: Social media campaign designed to specifically for the college audience
  • Other Recruitment Program: Any other recruitment program designed to attract college students
  • Best Multimedia Campaign: Best multimedia campaign for college communications, designed specifically for the college audience

Employee/Internal Communications:

  • Referral Program (Single medium): Best employee referral program using a single medium
  • Referral Program (Multiple media): Best employee referral program using multiple media
  • Retention Program: Best program promoting employee retention
  • Motivation or Mentoring Program: Best program promoting employee motivation; best mentoring program
  • Best Multi-Media Campaign: Best multimedia campaign for employee/internal communications

Special Award:

  • Recruitment Advertising Effectiveness: Recruitment advertising effectiveness — M.O.R.E. Award
  • Best Research Project: An advertising strategy developed from the use of research such as focus groups, market studies, etc. Samples of the research results must be included and a description of the objective; the research developed; the results of the research; the marketing strategy developed as a result of the research

Global Communications:

  • Print Publication Ad: Best print ad published
  • Print Promotion or Collateral: Best print promotion or collateral
  • Non-Print Promotion or Collateral: Best non-print (radio/television) promotion or collateral
  • Event Marketing Strategy: Best marketing strategy for recruitment event
  • Online Media: Best online media
  • Mobile Marketing Strategy: Best mobile marketing strategy
  • Other: Any other recruitment program used by global agencies
  • Best Multimedia Campaign: Best multimedia campaign


  • Direct Mail: Best direct mail campaign by a media/publishing company
  • Banner Page: Best banner pages by a media/publishing company
  • Job Fair/Event Marketing: Best marketing of a job fair or event by a media/publishing company
  • Online Advertising Product/Service: Best online advertising product/service by a company
  • Recruitment Website or Job Board: Best recruitment website or job board by a media company
  • Research: Research used to help a specific advertiser achieve a goal. Must includethe goal; the research developed, the strategy developed as a result of the research


  • Print Advertising Newspaper/Magazine/Trade Publication: Print advertising dealing with diversity in Newspaper, Magazine, or Trade Publication
  • Print Promotions and Collateral: Brochures, collateral packages, direct mail and other promotional pieces dealing with diversity
  • Non-Print Promotions: Non-print collateral/promotions (radio, television, video, CD’s, DVD’s, electronic displays, booths, giveaways, etc.) dealing with diversity
  • Online: Online media promotions (including tiles and banners, corporate employment websites, E-cards and other online media) dealing with diversity
  • College Communications: Ads, websites, giveaways, brochures,etc – all designed specifically for the college audience dealing with diversity
  • Employee/Internal Communications: Motivation, referral, retention campaigns and programs designed for employees dealing with diversity
  • Media/Publishing: Direct mail, banners, special sections job fairs, recruitment websites or job boards done by companies dealing with diversity
  • Best Multimedia Campaign for Diversity Recruitment: Best campaign for diversity recruitment

Self Promotion: (Any company, advertising agency, temporary employment agency or media can enter the self promotion category. This category is reserved for those companies entering an advertisement or campaign for the promotion of their own organization. A company advertising in this category should be promoting their company as a great place to work and not necessarily promoting specific job openings.)

  • Print Ad: Best print ad published
  • Video: Video done for self promotion
  • Online: Best online ad
  • Giveaway: Gadgets, gimmicks, t-shirts, etc.
  • Other: Any other self promotion not covered by the above categories
  • Best Multimedia Campaign: A variety of media must be used when entering this category

Please leave your comments below about the updated category list. If you have any additional feedback or questions, feel free to contact me directly at

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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