
Sinaloa: Strength in Numbers and Law of Averages, Part 2

Jan 6, 2010

The following is a broad desk checklist that a “recruiting doctor” might want to review in order to help write the correct prescription for one’s desk:

1. Job order to placement ratio.
2. Marketing presentation to job order ratio.
3. Marketing attempt to presentation ratio.
4. Recruit data sheet to placement ratio.
5. Recruit presentation to recruit data sheet ratio.
6. Recruiting attempt to presentation ratio.
7. Candidates presented to candidates interviewed ratio.
8. First time telephone interview (TI) to FTF interview (in markets where TI’s are vital).
9. Offer/acceptance ratio and acceptance/start date (counter offer/no show).
10. Copies of marketing and recruiting scripts/presentations (unless one wings it).
11. Copies of top five areas of candidate and client resistance and outline or script for possible responses.
12. Fee agreements on past 10 job orders.
13. Job order to fill ratio by client.
14. Copies of initial and executed plans for past few weeks.
15. Average daily market connect time/phone time.
16. Average duration per call and most frequently dialed numbers by attempts and connect time for past 10 days.
17. Daily activity by call type for past 10 days (number of marketing presentations, recruiting presentations, preps, etc.).
18. Average time day starts, ends, and duration for lunch or longer breaks.
19. Recruiter’s market, experience, talent and communication skills, attitude.
20. Recruiter’s goals, dreams, desires, objectives.


A coach’s responsibility is not simply to ensure everyone is “HITTING THEIR NUMBERS” and manage to the masses through some “universal” formula but rather to perpetually diagnose and prescribe in hopes of continual improvement.

Garbage In, Garbage Out
We have all heard the expression “garbage in/garbage out.” Well, if the numbers are not accurate, then this is no different than lying to the doctor. All you will get from it is an incorrect diagnosis and prescription that could actually cause more harm than good.

We must start by tracking the data that we find important and ensure its accuracy. Rookies will most likely track far more than veterans, and rookies as a whole will have more uniform standards in our business than veterans, but even those standards will change with the market conditions, just like now.

The numbers, in time, will create a story through ratios. The ratios then tell a story as well, and this is where THE MOST IMPORTANT PART follows: The DIAGNOSIS AND PRESCRIPTION.

Sometimes the ONLY suggestion is to increase energy. Yes, working harder is absolutely an answer and a critical one at times. It is not the only answer, though, and at times, it can be the wrong answer.

Anyone remember the concept of the point of diminishing returns from economics? A low offer to acceptance ratio could mean a deficiency in pre-closing or closing skills. A low job order to placement ratio could mean a poor ability to qualify job orders. A VERY low send out to placement ratio could mean OVERSCREENING and a big issue for veterans.

Low market connect time may come from call reluctance based on fear instead of laziness. One may be easier corrected than the other. Every number tells a story and the story provides the opportunity for closing the gap through coaching and improvement.

Identifying and then helping to close the gap is the passion of Next Level Recruiting Training and exactly why we created our new I hope you will consider making it a part of your prescription for continual learning and growth.

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