
And the Winner Is…

Aug 6, 2010
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

We had almost 200 blog posts in the month of July from all walks of recruiting that participated in our ERE Community iPad contest. Every topic imaginable was covered and there was a lot of great content that was covered. In the end, there could only be one winner of the coveted iPad (and two Amazon gift cards for the runner-ups). So without further ado, the winner is…

Charles Henderson for his post My Mistake Cost Me–Insight into Interviewing with Facebook. It was one of the highest trafficked posts in July (despite only being on the site for the last 10 days of the contest) and it was the unanimous judge pick in the editorial quality department. What I liked most about Charles’ post was this passage:

As a recruiter, I’ve learned the number one thing that matters is treating everyone with respect, qualified or not, mistakes or not. I encourage you to be honest with candidates. It builds relationships and respect in most cases. If I declined a candidate because of mistake or qualifications, I talked to them directly and even offered advice about correcting mistakes and gaining more experience. I then offered for the candidates to stay in touch because I espouse the ridiculous notion that I may be able to recruit them once they gain more experience and in some cases, mature.

The runner ups were Irina Shamaeva with Trust and Privacy on LinkedIn and Kendra Pearson with Twitter: A Love Story – 10 Steps to Making Your Relationship with Twitter Work. Both of these posts were among our top-trafficked posts and were high in editorial quality.

We graded posts based on the following criteria:

  1. Pageviews
  4. Quality

The quality score is obviously the most subjective and most important to us, so I enlisted the help of our editorial staff to look at the quality of the top-trafficked posts. Todd Raphael (editor of ERE and the Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership), John Hollon (editor of TLNT) and Amybeth Hale (editor of The Fordyce Letter and The Source newsletter) were our panel of judges. We took all of these factors into account to get the top blogger as well as the two runner-ups.

Congratulations to all of the winner as well as those who participated. It was great to read so many wonderful posts.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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