
Ask Barb: Goal Setting Tips

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Jan 11, 2012

Dear Barb:

I was wondering what goals to set for the coming year? How many placements per month is a good goal to go for? What goals do you set for the recruiters who work for you?

Harry D., Charlotte, NC

Dear Harry:

The goals in my office differ with each recruiter. I ask each person to set their income goal and then based on what they want to earn we set production goals. It is important that each person ties their income into what it will bring into their life and the lives of the people they love. We of course have minimum performance standards.

Recruiters will attain a new level of production and income for their reasons, not because their owner or manager wants them to produce more. Owners often tell me that they think their recruiters could produce more. Of course they can but they will if they tie this higher level of success into what they are personally trying to achieve.

To figure out what goals to set, ask the following questions:

  1. What do you want to earn?
  2. What commission % do you earn?
  3. What is your average fee?
  4. What is your niche?
  5. How many placements do you need to attain goals set?

You then review individual stats and ratios to determine what results to achieve on a daily basis in order to consistently hit goals set.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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