
Ask Barb: Screening Out Candidates

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Jul 25, 2012

Dear Barb:

I participate on your Wednesday live training calls and have heard you say, “When in doubt, send them out.” I wish the senior recruiters in my office listened more to your advice. They send their own candidates but always screen mine out. How do I convince my co-workers to send my candidates? The reasons they give me are always so lame and I think they are just trying to fill their own orders so they get the entire commission. I’m not writing my own orders yet, but when I do I’m not going to send in any of their people, either. I’m not hitting my goals because of them so what can I do?

Frustrated in Lansing, MI

Dear Frustrated:

Most rookie recruiters feel the experienced recruiters are screening their candidates out. Matching is one of the hardest skills to master and if the senior recruiter sends someone who is not qualified, they could lose the trust and rapport they’ve established with their clients.

When you submit top talent that are a great match to the senior recruiters of your firm – trust me they will submit them. They are judged by their clients on their ability to provide results and you can help them achieve that goal.

There are a few things you could do. First of all, ask the recruiters who have written the job order to put percentages by the various responsibilities. You now have a much clearer picture of the job. If someone is doing a task 90% of the time vs. 10% of the time – that is a very different job description. Make sure you go on the company website and learn all you can about this client. Also read articles that others have written about them to help you sell the opportunity to your candidates.

To show the senior recruiter that you have made a great match – check one or two references and include the references with the resume. Also, fill out a candidate presentation form selling their accomplishments and experience and showing how they are a match (check out to obtain a copy of this form).

When they see you have checked references and shown why they are a good match, you will stand a much better chance of scheduling an interview for your candidates.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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