
Ask Barb: Take Precautions to Stop Fee Cheats

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Nov 21, 2012

Dear Barb:

I’m sick and tired of presenting qualified candidates who are not hired and then come to find out they were hired behind my back six months later. Then they tell me they were hired for a different job and they didn’t know they got the person from me. In one instance my contact was gone, but I have to wonder how often this happens and how we can prevent it?

Jonathan S.

Kansas City, MO

Dear Jonathan:

This has concerned me for years, especially when recruiters leave contact information for candidates on the resumes they present. When we initially present candidates, we list the candidate’s first name and last initial. The telephone number listed on their resume is our office number. On the upper right hand corner we list our company name, name of the recruiter representing this candidate, address, and email address. We also leave off the name of the most recent employer — just listing a description of the company.

For years we have utilized one manual system — a Send Out Hot Sheet. Every sales person in my office has Send Out Hot Sheets attached to clipboards on their desk. The hot sheet lists the name and contact information for the client and candidate, name of the position, status of the interview process, and results. At a glance, we can predict production for the month based on the number of send outs that are active. If we write a similar job order or contract next month, it’s simple to see who we sent out this month that we can re-contact.

Another great use: we give our front desk person the Send Out Hot Sheets three months after we send candidates out on interviews. She calls each company and asks for the candidate we sent. In the past 10 years we’ve turned over at least one placement each quarter (even with the precautions listed above). We call the candidate to get an update, bill the client, and have collected 100% of the fees. We repeat this process six months later, again calling the companies where we have sent out candidates.

There is not a doubt in my mind that candidates are being hired behind your back which is why you need to develop a process to follow up months later. If you want a copy of our Send Out Hot Sheet just email and put “Send Out Hot Sheet” in the subject line.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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