
Changes Come When You Show They Work

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Jun 5, 2013

Dear Barb:

I recently spent the day in your Responsible Recruiting Clinic. I could not wait to get back to my office to implement some of the ideas you shared. I was the only person from our company who attended. My challenge is getting others in my office to try something new.

You made the statement that we are all creatures of habit; I’ve noticed how accurate that statement is since I’ve been back. We have people who barely cover their salaries and yet they are in a self-imposed rut. I’m younger than most of them, which doesn’t help. Many of them don’t even text candidates, which you said is the quickest way to get a response from many of the people we represent.

I tried to tell my owner that we needed to implement changes, but he seemed to stick up for people that have been here a long time, even if they are not producing near what I do. How do I force this issue and make my owner change some things. I know my ideas (that I actually learned from you) would increase our sales, but I’ve only been here a little over a year. Can you give me some ideas?

Rock Star from Texas

Dear Rock Star:

Well you certainly don’t lack confidence, which is a great trait to have in our profession. Speaking to you as an owner, you can’t force your owner to do anything. I would suggest that you change your approach to facilitate the changes you think appropriate.

First of all, make changes yourself where you can point to specific increases in sales and profits that were caused by the changes you implemented. Most owners would be very receptive to know how you have managed to increase your production and their profits.

Determine who on your team would be open to making subtle changes, once they have observed your increased production. Offer to share the secrets of your success and you may be surprised how many people on your team will be willing to follow your lead.

Owners are in business for one reason, to make profits. If you can show them vs. just tell them how they can accomplish higher profits, you will get their attention and backing. Change your office one person at a time, starting with you.

Good Luck!

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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