
Chatter: Facebook and Jobster, the Billionaire Monster, Ebeebo’s Buzz, and More

Feb 2, 2007
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

Insight and opinion on the recruiting world:

1. Jobster, Facebook, and That Not-So-Secret Online Identity…

Robert Dewey says he doesn’t want his social connections anywhere near his business connections, despite hearing talk of some “pretty cool features in the pipeline” at Jobster.

And as rumors swirl over a potential union between Jobster and Facebook, today’s job seekers — particularly the younger workforce — find themselves questioning the new rules of engagement when it comes to juggling their online identities.

“If done correctly, the partnership could be a good thing,” admits Dewey, a 21-year-old startup entrepreneur.

His spare-time activities “shouldn’t influence what happens on the business side. Unfortunately, this is a world full of stereotypes and people have a tendency to prejudge,” he says.

Dewey says this attitude could be a generational symptom, a twenty-something malaise brought on by the realities of merging personal and professional online identities.

While online social networking is almost second-nature to the new workforce generation, the blurring of lines between such sites raises issues on the rules for etiquette and professional tact.

“The younger crowd really likes to party and post ‘half-naked photos’ of themselves on Facebook and MySpace. Even with that being the case, most of us have a serious side and don’t want people to judge us based on what’s on our social network profile,” he says.

“Personally, my job/business networking is done on LinkedIn, where I don’t have to worry about people seeing my personal life,” says Dewey.

In an ideal environment, new technologies would let users segment different “groups” of friends to filter information appropriately.

“If Facebook or MySpace allowed me to turn certain parts of my profile on/off to certain groups, I would be all for that. Again, an employer or business associate doesn’t need to know what I do privately,” he adds.

2. Video Killed the Radio Star…

If word of mouth is known as the highest form of advertising, then it seems that social networking is just going to streamline the process and serve as another avenue for recruiters without shuttering newspaper classifieds or job boards.

“Job board revenue has grown every year, so these Nostradamus-type predictions never come through. Radio was not the death of the newspaper, nor were billboards the death of the newspaper; the pie just keeps getting sliced in different ways,” says Brian Weiss, president of the niche employment site

“A Jobster/Facebook merge could elevate social networking, but it will not wipe out general job postings. I don’t think Monster should be shaking in its own boots,” he says.

Indeed, just this week Monster Worldwide’s quarterly profit rose 8.3%. Net income for the fourth quarter of 2006 was $39.1 million versus $36.1 million for the same quarter in 2005. Monster Worldwide revenue grew 33% and to $298.6 million, up from $223.8 million a year earlier.

Notably, the company saw a 36% increase overall, closing 2006 with $1.12 billion in total revenue, up from $818.3 million in 2005.

3. Network Recruiting Triples Efficiency…

TalentPen says employers who shift from linear applicant recruiting to network recruiting can triple efficiency.

According to its 2006 Recruiting & Staffing study, the number of companies interested in building a private talent network increased from 38% to 66% in just six months.

The company says a talent collection system lets candidates “experience” working at a company before applying, a more personal approach than letting them hit the “apply” button.

Talent collection is based on the premise of digging the well before you’re thirsty, explain company officials.

“Simply posting a job and requirements is not luring the candidates it once did,” said Susan Govea, TalentPen’s VP of marketing, in a release.

“Candidates are experiencing a higher personal loyalty than ever before, meaning they know they have many options for employment, and they are going to ensure that their needs for personal security and job satisfaction are being met,” said Govea.

4. Where Recruiters Shine…

U.K-based ebeebo has adopted various elements of LinkedIn and Jobster to create a niche site that is gaining popularity as place where “good recruiters get the opportunity to shine, and job seekers can quickly build relationships with recruiters and businesses specializing in the work they want,” according to the company’s website.

This service provides personal relationships “rather than the traditional impersonal recruitment process,” complete with a yellow/red card warnings for poor behavior and conduct. Noticeably absent are job boards, resumes, and exorbitant prices. (A one-month membership to search the database costs £4.99.)

5. Free, Free, Free…

Media Staffing Network says it is letting recruiters post internship positions for free on its website.

The company says it is providing this service in response to an increase in the number of students and new grads trying to get their foot in the door at media, marketing, and advertising companies.

Company officials cite retiring baby boomers, a growing economy, and recent consolidations and shifting hiring practices across the media industry as a few of the reasons that companies need to focus more resources on hiring and retaining productive staff.

“There will be more competition to hire people with full-service marketing skills, not just sales skills. It is going to be a whole new ballgame and those companies that start planning now will be much better off,” founder Laurie Kahn said in a release.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.