
Chatter: Phish Bait, CEO Bark, and Email’s Bite

Feb 25, 2007
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

Phish bait stinks…

Writer Tabitha Marshall is not actively looking for employment, but she has decided to turn her resume into phish bait as she tests the big job boards.

After months of blogging about her correspondence from pyramid scheme “opportunities” and other scams, she reports that “after making my Monster resume private, I was actually able to enjoy a scam-free inbox for a couple weeks.”

Now she has decided to temporarily make her resume public again. This time, however, she changed the public status to hide her email, name, references, and other identifying information.

Also, she writes that CareerBuilder admits “they don’t really screen every employer before they post an ad, and they are also completely clueless: these unscreened ’employers’ aren’t there to place ads. They’re more than happy to pay money to get your email address and reel you in with their fake job,” she wrote on her blog.

She also plans to gather and publicize stories from job candidates who get through the interview process.

It’s dog-eat-dog at JobKite…

Is operating an online job board a job that only a dog can do? Apparently. That’s why‘s chief executive officer Heather Galler said she is stepping down from her position and appointing her 11-year-old German Shepard mix, Bailey Gates, as the company’s leader.

“If a company such as has to resort to giving away free job postings, even with millions in investors backing them, then obviously the business world is too tough for little old me,” she wrote on her website.

The six-year-old profitable company has just 10 employees, and operates over 90 niche industry and state job boards.

“I think I’m out of my league now; I’m not sure how to compete with a job board like Jobster that gives away their product for free, especially when they are backed by $30 million from investors. We aren’t giving up on our dream of continuing to succeed as a family grown company, we are just adjusting our game plan and making some serious changes in staffing,” added Galler.

Relief for email-aholic recruiters…

Email misuse can cost businesses millions of dollars in lost productivity, something that executive coach Marsha Egan calls a “crisis in corporate America.”

“A lot of CEOs don’t know it. They haven’t figured out how expensive it is,” she said.

Her plan, available via a monthly teleconference, teaches the business community how to manage the electronic tool so it’s an efficient use of time.

The first of Egan’s 12 steps is “admit that e-mail is managing you. Let go of your need to check e-mail every 10 minutes.”

Other steps include “commit to keeping your inbox empty,” “establish regular times to review your e-mail,” and “deal immediately with any email that can be handled in two minutes or less but create a file for mail that will take longer.”

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.