
Create Your Own Dream Board and Realize Your Dreams In 2015

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Dec 24, 2014

Note: Today, Barb Bruno explains what a dream board is and how to build one. Next week she shows you how to use it to meet your goals for the year ahead.

A dream board is a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life that you want to come true. The concept is that we attract to us what we think. If we put good things in front of us, those things we’ve always wanted, those things we’ve always thought about having in our lives, then we will attract what we think.

I’ve watched clients want something but not write it down, and not visualize or affirm it. One client said that his business wasn’t what he envisioned and he wanted that vision to become his reality. In other words, if your vision is in your head, that’s not where it needs to be. It needs to be out in the world for all to see.

Some of my clients also use this concept to visualize their businesses, too! It’sDream board their first business plan. One thing though: don’t get stuck on your dream boards. We all have plans for our future; however it’s important to watch the universe for signs of its plans for us. Otherwise, we might miss out on some great opportunities!

Purchase a large piece of paper such as oak tag or poster board in whatever color you like. You now have the beginnings of your dream board. In the center of your board put a picture of you that you really enjoy seeing. Whatever your dreams or goals, start cutting out pictures that symbolize your dreams and paste them on your board. Or draw the pictures. Can’t draw perfectly? Draw it anyway! (If I can, you can.) Put captions under the pictures.

What are some of your dreams? Remember to include all areas of your life on your board: Career/Business, Relationships (self-others), Money, Recreation/Play, Health/Well Being. Get specific. Really specific and descriptive!  Go for it!! Enjoy it!! Have fun with it!!

Tack it on the wall.

As your dreams continue to grow (or change), keep adding to it. Make it the first thing you view in the morning and last thing you view at the end of your working day.

Here’s a list of supplies:

  • Poster board/oak tag
  • Thumbtacks
  • Elmer’s Glue/Rubber Cement
  • Scotch tape
  • A photo or photos of you and your goals
  • Magazines
  • Pens, markers
  • Scissors
  • Straight edge or your favorite border design
  • Few pieces of thick 8 1/2 x 11 paper.

If you create a dream board you have now dramatically increased your chances of attaining those dreams!

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