Currently there are 6,890 recruiter jobs posted online and about 3,246 employers filling these openings throughout the U.S. This number reflects all job listings that specifically use the terms recruiter or recruiting in the job title. Some of the recruiters reading this article will be looking for a job or filling a recruiting opening in 2015.
With this in mind, we researched which of the most in-demand recruiting skills, with at least 50 job ads or more, are likely to be hard to find. For recruiters, we’ll offer suggestions for what you can do to find talent.
Recruiters are already hard to fill without requiring specific in-demand skills sets. Recruiters score a 75 on the WANTED Analytics Hiring Scale. The Hiring Scale considers multiple factors, including demand, supply, unemployment rates, job, skill, and more, to calculate a score ranging from 1 to 99, with 99 indicating hardest-to-recruit.
In addition to understanding skills related to recruiting, like applicant tracking software, the most commonly advertised recruiting skill, employers are requiring recruiters to be specialized in the fields they’ll be recruiting. We noticed this to be the case for occupational categories that are considered difficult to fill. Of the most in-demand recruiting skills, technical skills score the highest, meaning they’re the most difficult ability to find. Software-as-a-service scores an 82. Technical recruiting, Java, and User Experience were close behind, scoring a 79. Investment banking was another specialization listed below that employers need recruiters to understand.
Do you have these skills? Have you listed them on your LinkedIn profile and in your resume so that other recruiters can find you?
Are you sourcing for recruiting candidates with these skills? Hiring Scale scores and recruiting difficultly will vary depending on your local market. However, for some of the technical skills listed below, hiring conditions will remain challenging throughout the U.S. Recruiters with SaaS experience are hard to fill in most metro areas where these jobs are in-demand. The Hiring Scale score is lowest in the Boston metro area; however, with a score of 81, finding candidates is still likely to be challenging.
Since you’ll likely experience difficulties finding candidates across the U.S., you may want to consider training internal recruiters in skill areas that are hard-to-find. Provide candidates or employees with opportunities to learn Java, software development, SaaS systems, and other hard-to-find skills. If you don’t already have training opportunities in place, reach out to local colleges and universities or online schools to set up programs.
On the other hand, if you have these skills, there are companies looking to hire you. Employers are competing heavily for candidates with your knowledge, so make sure your resume and online career profiles include these terms.
Do you have these skills or are you looking for them? How are you finding conditions in your market?

Some of the Related Conference Sessions at the ERE Recruiting Conference in San Diego:
- Increasing Your Talent GPA, Wednesday, April 29, 2:30 p.m.
- Build a Sensational Talent Acquisition Operations Team, Wednesday, April 29, 11 a.m.