
Lessons I Learned When I Broke My Leg

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Jan 14, 2015

“Break a leg” is an idiom in theater used to wish performers good luck or best wishes.  However, it wasn’t exactly good luck when I broke my leg and sprained my ankle over the New Year holiday.

I would prefer to describe my skiing accident or snow mobile racing accident or even a bad landing after sky diving. It was nothing that exciting, I fell down my stairs. As a result I am now sporting a boot, immobilization brace and can’t put any pressure on my left leg. This is the first time I’ve broken a bone and have a new respect for the ability to maneuver on crutches.

I didn’t anticipate the major changes I would need to implement and lessons I would learn. The best news is that in our profession all we need is a mobile device and Wi-Fi connection and we’re in business. The following are six lessons I’ve learned and advice I hope will help you attain the level of success you deserve in 2015.

LESSON ONE: Technology has changed the way we do business

Our web based CRM and ATS allow me to access records and databases. The cloud allows me to work virtually, and I can record webinars and send the recordings to my office to upload.

Advice: If you have not automated everything there is no better time to begin to do this than today.

LESSON TWO: My business can run without me

My management team can run my business without me physically being there. I’m also identifying additional tasks are not the best use of my time which I should delegate.

Advice: You can’t be your business. You must surround yourself with talent who can run your business in your absence.

LESSON THREE: Service will not be affected

Individuals who contact my office will experience the same level of service and results.

Advice: Surround yourself with a team that demonstrates your core values.

LESSON FOUR: Time to reflect, meditate and innovate

The pain has forced me to slow down and exist out of my comfort zone 24/7.  As a result, I find myself more creative and innovative. This proves the theory that if one door closes another one opens. I will continue to reflect, meditate and innovate, long after my leg heals.

Advice:  Take time to stand back, reflect and meditate.

LESSON FIVE: People are kind

It is extremely uncomfortable for me to be the patient. I’m much more comfortable being the caretaker. When my family and friends asked if I needed help, I initially said “No.” It didn’t take long for me to realize there are many routine tasks that are now major challenges. I’m grateful for the people who consistently show me their love, concern and kindness. This has proven the importance of being a good “receiver.”

Advice: Most people I know in the staffing and recruiting profession are great “givers.” You must also learn to be a good “receiver.”

LESSON SIX: Change focus and express gratitude

Being grounded has allowed me to change my focus. I now have time to do more consulting, complete our upgraded career portal and appreciate things I took for granted. Every day I write down what I’m grateful for on my planner. I now have a greater appreciation for the little things.

Advice: Take time to reevaluate your priorities and do more of the things you enjoy. Also take time daily to write down the highlight or what you’re most grateful for each day.

When John Zappe informed me that he wanted to let the Fordyce Letter readers know about my broken leg, I wanted to share the lessons I’ve learned to hopefully inspire you to have a Record Year in 2015.

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