
Make Your Team Accountable So the Business Grows

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Feb 25, 2015

Hi Barb:

I have a very tenured team who love working for me. I don’t believe in micro-managing, but I feel we could be achieving so much more as a company. How do I go from no rules or standards to implementing accountability without losing everyone?

I sent them to a conference in Las Vegas and they didn’t attend the sessions and had no problem telling me. My last two hires quit because they felt like outsiders to my four tenured recruiters. I now realize my business will not grow or prosper unless I make changes, but I don’t know where to begin. What would you do if you found yourself in my position?

John R., Dallas, TX

Dear John:

There is no value in beating yourself up for mistakes you’ve made as a business owner. The only way to implement any type of accountability is to show your team how it will benefit them. They will not achieve more because you want to grow your business. They will however achieve more, if they understand the WIIFM.

What would they buy, where would they travel, what would they do if they earned more money? Start out by getting written goals from your team in all areas of their lives. Have them write down five dated action items under each goal to guarantee they achieve the goals they write. When the action items are achieved the goals are attained.

It is also very important for you to monitor stats and individual ratios so you know exactly what daily results each person needs to consistently hit or surpass to meet the goals. If you’ve never monitored stats, go back and calculate the sendout to placement and job order, contract or temp assignment to fill numbers for each person.

In addition, come up with “instant gratification” contests that would motivate your team to accomplish more. Focus the contests where you need them to focus. You can’t begin to micro-manage a team that has not been managed. You can however, make subtle changes that will result in you holding your team accountable as they realize the benefit to them!


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