
Manpower: Job Seekers’ Market Leading to Wage Inflation

Oct 27, 2006
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

The war for talent is favoring job seekers, according to the latest Manpower Professional survey of nearly 32,000 employers across 26 countries and territories in July and August.

The survey included 1,000 U.S. employers.

Educated professionals like accountants, engineers, and nurses are calling the shots, with 45% of employers reporting difficulty filling these types of positions.

Overall, 38% of U.S. employers are paying higher wages to fill similar positions compared to the previous year.

In the service, transportation, and utilities and construction sectors, 41% of employers said they were paying higher salaries to recruit professionals.

In government agencies, wage increases jumped to 43% compared to last year.?

The Employee Gaps

The survey notes that positions are hardest to fill in manufacturing, specifically the durable goods sector, where 51% of employers reported difficulty finding qualified professional candidates.

Shortages in the transportation and utilities sector were reported by 50% of employers, while 49% of employers in the service sector reported difficulty filling jobs.

According to the survey analysis, Manpower says the news should serve as an alarm for employers to work harder to retain their existing professional employees and develop innovative ways to recruit top talent. The company predicts that the shortages are only going to get worse as more people reach retirement age. ?

Other countries reporting staffing difficulties include Japan, also at 45%, Peru at 46%, and Mexico at 41%.?

The survey also indicates that 29% of employers globally are unable to find qualified talent, with 25% paying more for the same job than a year ago.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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