
New Fund Helps Non-Profits Fill Leadership Positions

Apr 8, 2009

The Salveson Stetson Group has launched a way to help underwrite the cost of executive searches for non-profit institutions.

The Philadelphia-based executive search firm, founded in 1996, says dwindling endowments, strapped donors, and evaporating government support make leadership more important than ever. Its “Salveson Stetson Group Non-Profit Leadership Fund” will cover half the cost of a senior executive search at a non-profit organization.

The company’s founders say non-profit executives must possess an unusual mix of skills and experience coupled with a leadership style that is inspirational, decisive, and collaborative, a challenge for any search pro.

To be eligible, an organization must have an annual revenue budget of less than $100 million; be headquartered in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Delaware; be a qualified 501(c)3 organization; and have an open executive-level position in need of qualified candidates. Half of the fee for the search will be paid by the hiring organization and half will be provided by the Leadership Fund. The applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2009 for consideration.

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