Editor’s note: For those attending SourceCon in Atlanta, the After Dark is a fun part of the after hours networking that you can’t get anywhere else. If you are interested in attending, please sign up on Eventbrite so that we have an idea about how many attendees we’ll have for food and space purposes.
When I mention SourceCon After Dark to people, I usually get this look back of, “Whoa, what are you talking about?” They get this scared and puzzled look and think that I am trying to lure them into some dark, underground secret space where they will never go back. Well, I am!! Sort of, I mean never go back to doing your same old sourcing game.
I attended my first “After Dark” many moons ago. When I was invited, I really thought to myself, “Why am I here and how did I get to be part of this deep dark group who opened their laptops and crazy cool ideas and tricks start exploding like some magical wizardry?”
Let me explain a little more about SourceCon After Dark. My friend, mentor and peer Eric Jaquith brought this idea to extend the learning and sharing beyond the conference. His vision was for a small group of people to gather after all others have decided to go to sleep and meet at an offsite location (usually small, dingy, dark bars) and mesh brain power together and share tricks, tools and resources of the sourcing trade that would otherwise not be mentioned during the SourceCon conference. So over the years, this little group has grown and has been extended publicly to the SourceCon attendees and anyone can attend. You can participate (highly cool) or just be a lurker (also cool) and learn to grow your skills as a sourcer.
The evening is based around really no agenda, just a bunch of people who are really passionate about upping their sourcing game skills, getting to know other industry peers in a non-formal environment and honing in on your night owl skills (Red Bull please!).
So if you are attending SourceCon 2013 in Atlanta, please join Eric Jaquith, Chris Havrilla and I as we host After Dark at the Park Bar. We’ll have some special guests like Mark Tortorici, Amybeth Hale and Shannon VanCuren and a few others joining us for some after dark sourcing action. Bring your laptop, tablets, and mobile phones and get ready to make magic brew out of your machine. Bring ideas, real world problems and an open mind and I guarantee you will always come back to the Dark Side!