
SourceCon Heads West

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May 19, 2011
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

We’ve know we’ve teased you long enough — and we are happy to share with you that registration for SourceCon’s fall conference is officially open!

This coming October, sourcing professionals from across the globe will invade Silicon Valley to attend the best sourcing conference out there. Join us in Santa Clara, CA, October 13-14 for the sourcing conference that started it all — SourceCon is heading West!

Hosted by Yahoo!, SourceCon will take place at the Network Meeting Center in Santa Clara — a beautiful meeting and conference facility deep in the heart of Silicon Valley. A five minute drive from the conference center will take you to the Yahoo! headquarters where we will be hosted for a welcome reception following the first day’s sessions. And, for those who want to continue learning and sharing, SourceCon After Dark will take place at Yahoo! after the sun goes down. While not an “official” part of the agenda, those who stayed up late to attend SourceCon After Dark at the NYC event claimed that it was one of the best memories of the conference — a chance to further develop new friendships and learn from one another.

We are still finalizing the conference agenda, so make sure to keep checking back on the event site as more information becomes available. Our speakers have some great things in store for conference attendees, including covering some topic areas that have never been covered before. We look forward to having you join us to experience some of the following:

  • A discussion on high volume sourcing: The topic of high volume sourcing has not been covered before at SourceCon. You will receive metrics-backed information on how to best source for cyclical and/or high churn positions within your organization.
  • Global sourcing team management: The topic of “global” was requested after the NYC conference, and this session will give you some insight into working with and effectively managing multi-national sourcing teams.
  • Best practices for using paid resources: We spend an awful lot of time talking about free resources, but how often do we actually talk about getting the most out of the tools we pay for? If you (or your organization) are paying good money for a resource, it makes sense to use it to its fullest capacity. We have assembled a panel of sourcing professionals who are “superusers” of some popular resources such as Jigsaw, Monster’s Power Resume Search, LinkedIn Recruiter, and others to share with you some of their best practices for getting the absolute most bang for your buck with your paid resources.
  • How to take your sourcing team from 0-50 in less than two years: You will learn how one Fortune 500 corporation’s team of nearly 50 sourcers adds value to other areas of their company outside of recruiting. And by the way, this company’s sourcing team did not even exist two years ago.
  • A hard-hitting look at your own sourcing function’s effectiveness: You will get some tips on how to evaluate your own sourcing function’s or team’s effectiveness. Managers, you will not want to miss this presentation.
  • And much more to come…

Additionally, we are pleased to have as our Conference Chair Carmen Hudson, Engagement Manager, Sourcing and Social Media Strategy for Recruiting Toolbox and Founder and CEO of Tweetajob, Inc. Carmen has been part of the sourcing community for over 10 years, having worked for several Fortune 500 companies, including previously serving as Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition at Yahoo!. She is a loved and well-respected member of the sourcing ‘family’ and we are looking forward to having her lead conference attendees through a wonderful learning experience.

And… what would SourceCon be without a Challenge? That’s right — we are bringing back the SourceCon GrandMaster Sourcing Challenge. To kick things off, we will be announcing the first Challenge of 2011 in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more information — this challenge will surely test your sourcing prowess to the limits!

We hope you’ll make the decision to come to Silicon Valley in October and experience SourceCon for yourself. Registration is officially open — get your ticket today!

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” ~Albert Einstein

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.
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