
Swat Recruiting

Jun 1, 2004


Anyone who reads this column with any regularity knows that I review recruiter database software almost every month, as the interest in that topic remains high among the Fordyce subscribers. Most of the software reviewed in this category is extremely complex for many recruiters as many packages try and be so many things to so many people. Most recruiters I know, including myself, do not use their software systems to their full potential. For those that don’t need all the bells and whistles, nor the price tag associated with options and features you don’t want or would never use, here is one, RESUMate, that would suffice for any resume-driven recruiter looking for a simple solution for a very reasonable price.

RESUMate is a simple, easy-to-use database program that parses contact information from resumes and stores that information in a database. Exactly what many recruiters are looking for. I really like the way they have accomplished something few before them have accomplished…to put all the pertinent candidate data on one screen. It is a busy interface for sure but not too busy.

Aside from parsing the usual contact information, which I tested a number of times with excellent accuracy, it can also parse out user-defined keywords and then highlight them in the new record. Text resumes (attachments are linked) are part of each record. Some of the data fields are customizable, enabling you to enter the information important to your business. Unlimited space for notes, logs, references, etc. Six date fields note past and future contacts, which feed into a built-in calendar. Once the record is created, you can search any field in the candidate record. You can send emails and open web pages directly from the candidate record. It also has a dialing feature where it will dial the telephone for you if you have the correct hardware setup.

The RESUMate Lite version reviewed goes for $295 for the first user and $99 for additional network users. They also have a RESUMate Pro version available for $795 and $195 for additional network users that integrates client, contact and job order records with the candidate records in the Lite version. There is also the optional Import Express add-on ($200 with purchase) is handy for those performing imports for multiple resumes.

I want to thank Charlie Schaldenbrand for his help in writing this article. Anyone interested in more information about RESUMate can visit their website at or contact Charlie direct via email at or voice at 800-530-9310 x208.

Eclipse by BroadLook Technologies

I am glad I had the opportunity to review another great product this month, Eclipse, by BroadLook Technologies. We have written about BroadLook in this column a number of times relating to their flagship product, BroadLook Engine and also their free data capture utility, Rosetta. Eclipse takes data capture to a new level by capture data directly from links and formatted tables, and spidering hyperlinks to capture data on the linked page without opening it. As useful as this product might be to a recruiter, marketer or researcher, it is a very simple program. The top half is an Internet browser and the bottom half is for your captured results.

One of the main features is “Get Links.” Many times when you are looking at a list of hyperlinks, the actual website URL may or may not be visible (except by looking at your status bar at the bottom of your browser). By highlighting your target links and clicking the Get Links button Eclipse produces all the URL’s in a table format for you. You have many options here to clean and edit your data including splitting columns, renaming column headings, state code usage, etc. Once cleaned up a bit this data can be exported to a spreadsheet or fed into another Internet research tool, including the BroadLook Engine.

Another main feature is “Get Table.” Tables are often difficult for data capture tools but Eclipse makes it look easy. Select your table, click Get Table and you are returned a column for each field in the table you captured. You have the same sophisticated data cleansing tools and export ability with this feature as well.

Many lists of hyperlinks are not linked to a homepage but to another page with related data. Eclipse can spider a list of URL’s and create “capsules” of information related to a specific link. Capsules are these bits of data captured from behind a link, not available directly from the page you are spidering. You may pickup contact names, addresses and phone numbers from these links. In the old days, you would have to click on each target link one by one, parse the data, go back to the main list, click on another one…over and over. This technology is a serious benefit and time saver for any researcher.

Can’t close out without at least mentioning the training, which for many recruiters is just as important as the product itself. BroadLook offers first training for Eclipse as well as its BroadLook engine. I attended the Eclipse training in preparation for this article and it is performed via a live web conference with a BroadLook trainer. Unlike many training scenarios, BroadLook offers all it’s training under an “open-drop-in” concept; training is done within a group and users can sign up for multiple training sessions. In addition, BroadLook has a series of pre-recorded web conference trainings where you can log in to the BroadLook support system and watch at your pace. I also watched the included Eclipse Demo, which was very informative. The training and support exceeds expectations and their innovative model is starting to catch on with other vendors.

Pricing: $1295 per copy but $795 for current users of the BroadLook engine.

I want to thank Donato Diorio, President and CEO, for his help with this article. For more information you can visit the BroadLook Technologies homepage at and view an Eclipse demo. Anyone with any questions or comments can also reach Donato at (262) 691-3900 or via email at

If you recruit nurses for a living you might want to check out this service they claim to be the most visited job board designed exclusively for nurses on the Internet. They also claim to be the number one search result on Google, AOL and Yahoo when a nurse types in “Nursing Job” as keywords.

I have not used this service myself but report based on their marketing email. They offer access to their resume database and online resume web pages, free broadcast of job openings to an e-mail list of nursing job seekers, and offer to post your jobs on the JobSites network of frequently visited nursing sites.

For more information you can contact them via voice at 866-721-9799 or visit their website at


This month’s tip is related to email tracking options most of you have but don’t know about. If you are an Outlook user you can be advised whenever someone receives and then opens an email message you sent to them. You can also stop others from getting messages that you have opened their mail. This is often handy when you know when a hiring manager has received and read the resume email you sent them. This feature is buried…in Outlook 2000, click on Tools Options Preferences Email Options Tracking Options. Once on the Tracking Options page, click the checkboxes for “Request a read receipt for all messages I send,” “Request a delivery receipt for all messages I send” and “Never send a response.” In the future you will receive an email, not from your recipient but from your recipient’s email program notifying you that your message has been received and/or opened. Many other email programs have similar features. Look for a Tracking, or maybe a Receipts feature.

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