
Tell ‘Em Why Your City Is Cool

May 14, 2015

taco truckI know you’ve heard this before, but millennials, perhaps more than any other generation, crave work-life balance. As a generation who entered the workforce during a recession, they’re unaccustomed to structured work environments and prefer more freedom in their scheduling. In fact, 74 percent of them say a flexible schedule is a top priority.

Getting these candidates to understand what your area, not just your job, has to offer is crucial. The younger generation is looking for jobs in cities where they can enjoy all the amenities of a big city — like New York City — but at affordable prices.

Affordability is a major factor when choosing an out-of-state job for many candidates. Major cities like San Francisco and New York City continue to see younger employees shifting to the outer suburbs like Oakland to avoid outlandish rent. Use this by showcasing your areas low cost-of-living if applicable, or explain how your city can be affordable.

Talk about how the area is a great and affordable place to raise a family and all the amenities it has to offer kids. Are there parks nearby? Great schools? Emphasize the perks that make the job location family-friendly and a good place to start building a life.

Aside from affordable rent, two areas that never fail to bring in the younger crowds are the availability of good food and outdoor recreation. If your city is known for its taco carts or spectacular Asian cuisine, mention that during an interview. Similarly, if your company is located near the mountains be sure to talk about all of the great hiking and skiing opportunities available.

Do you participate in community building for your area? Candidates want to know the place they’re moving to is a place the company believes in and wants to see flourish, just like the business.

You’re selling your location as a place potential candidates could thrive, grow, and build a life in. You want your employees to stick with you for the long haul, so give them reasons as to why your area is a great place to stay and build a life or raise a family.

Candidates looking solely for large sums of money aren’t likely the type to work their way up through the business. They’ll come for the pay and leave as soon as a higher offer comes along. Look for the employees who want to settle down and give them reasons why your town is a great place to build a career.

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