
We Talk About Our Business Goals, But Roadblocks Stand in the Way

Apr 10, 2013

As senior HR and recruitment practitioners, we should constantly be asking ourselves whether we fully understand our organization’s commercial objectives. We should also be fully enlightened about the clear and measurable role that a carefully crafted, proactive, talent management, and recruitment strategy can deliver.

My colleague Jerry Collier, director of Alexander Mann Solutions, argues: “While we speak to many such enlightened HR professionals, all too often we find that the link between business outcomes and the tactical delivery of recruitment programs just doesn’t exist.”

“Most often, the relationship hasn’t been identified, but we also see that ‘stuff’ — outmoded practices, antiquated IT systems, overcomplicated procedures, and tortuous approvals processes — can get in the way.”

Collier is taking part in a session next week at the ERE conference, where a wide variety of different people will each give a one-minute tip.

Collier goes on to observe: “If you’ve become bogged down in the detail of hiring transactions, and can no longer relate what you’re doing to commercial objectives which impact the bottom line, make some fundamental changes to both your and your department’s approach. And, if you’re not keyed into the financials around how reduced attrition and increased engagement have a direct impact on earnings well, frankly, it’s time to start working much smarter.”

With U.S. hiring predictions suggesting a near 20% increase in 2013, talent acquisition models need to be more adaptable than ever–– and it means the business impact and outcomes should be clear from the start.

“Case-by-case predictive models now offer HR leaders the analytic tools which can prove that their actions contribute directly to success,” Collier adds. “These metrics are powerful, causing the board to take notice, and pre-empting the usual ‘awkward’ questions from the CFO.”

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